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All of these games work fine on JTAG. The below is just descriptions on how/if combining the game discs are possible.
Thus far every game that can not be combined has been kind enough to allow saving before the disc swap thus making it easy to exit to dash then start the game with the next disc and load the save.
Multi-disc Games on JTAG:
Forza 3: Copy the disc 2 Content\0000000000000000\ files to the HDD correct path and they will be used just like DLC.
Oblivion Game Of The Year Edition: Copy the disc 2 Content\0000000000000000\ files to the HDD correct path and they will be used just like DLC.
Fallout 3 Game Of The Year Edition: Copy the disc 2 Content\0000000000000000\ files to the HDD correct path and they will be used just like DLC.
Halo ODST: Disc 1 and Disc 2 are separate game types (SP & MP) with no disc swapping involved, rip to separate folders.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition: Copy Disc 2 files over Disc 1 selecting yes to overwrite files & folders. Delete LevelPacks\lightside.dds_x360.lp
Blue Dragon: Copy Disc 3 files over Disc 2 selecting yes to overwrite. Copy Disc 3+2 files to Disc 1 selecting yes to overwrite files & folders. Game will prompt about swaps, just say yes and it will continue going.
Mass Effect 2: Copy Disc 1 over Disc 2 select yes to overwrite files & folders. Game will prompt about swaps, just say yes and it will continue going.
Final Fantasy 13: Copy Disc 1 over Disc 2 selecting yes to overwrite files & folders. Copy Disc 1+2 over Disc 3 selecting yes to overwrite files & folders. Game will prompt about swaps, just say yes and it will continue going.
Magna Carta 2: Copy Disc 1 over Disc 2 selecting yes to overwrite files & folders. Game will prompt about swaps, just say yes and it will continue going.
Castlevania Lords Of Shadow: On the Disc2 copy rename Data00.packed to Data03.packed and rename Data01.packed to Data04.packed. After the rename, Copy Disc 2 over Disc 1 selecting yes to overwrite files & folders. Game will continue to play without even prompting about disc swaps.
Infinite Undiscovery, Lost Odyssey, Star Ocean The Last Hope, and - Can not be combined. Extract each disc to a separate folder. Save before disc change then continue play on next disc.
Last Remnant untested as combined, but probably not able to be combined as there are several hits/matched files some of which appear to be important files. Still untested as combined set. Not combined, extract each disc to a separate folder. Save before disc change then continue play on next disc, does work.