jag flashade sönder min samsung och jag ska nu skicka den till ms. hur stor chans är det att dem reparerar den?
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jag flashade sönder min samsung och jag ska nu skicka den till ms. hur stor chans är det att dem reparerar den?
Förmodligen en hel del mindre än minimal! :D
tror du? jag känner till nåra som skickat och fått reparerat. och jag sate tillbake ms märket men det ser lite konstigt ut
De tror jag tyvärr du kan glömma.
men hur ska dom kunna se det?
jag sate tilbaka märket och om dom tycker det ser kostigt ut så kan jag skylla på att jag råka stöta till den när jag byte faceplate
Dom kan nog lätt se om du har pillat med spelaren.
Vi får verkligen hoppas de går dock :)
men vad gör dom om dom ser. den gick sönder när jag skulle backupa orig.bin för jag avbröt
jag vill gärna se om nån vet att det här funkar
har du provat detta ska tydligen fungera för samsung läsaren :)
Andy HewittMay 23 2006, 10:47 AM
OK, I've seen lots of posts in various topics about people with apparently dead drives.
I had exactly the same problem after my floppy decided to give up the ghost mid-flash and the drive Borked.
Various solutions were offered by the group, none of which worked, so I was left with the task of finding another drive to hotswap with (Yeah, right!) or find my own solution.
This is what I found worked for me. (Twice, as I tested again by borking it a 2nd time)
You'll need a Bootable Floppy with MTKFLASH and your firmware. (we'll call this your original.bin)
Your Borked DVD drive attached to SATA 1 on your motherboard.
Boot from Floppy and get to a Dos prompt.
Type in "MTKFLASH W /SATA /M original.bin
You should get a response from the system with a list of possible sata ports to flash to.
(For arguments sake this is SATA 1 and SATA2 in this tutorial)
Turn off the power to the DVD drive wait a second and turn it back on again.
Now hit 1 on the keyboard to start the flash. (in response to the Sata 1 port on the screen)
OK, now it will start flashing or sits waiting at "Port: d800, Master/Slave: a0"
If it is waiting for more than a few seconds hit escape twice to stop the attempt and power off the drive again and keep trying the last part again. It will work after a few attempts.
This is what I have figured out so far and why this works.
MTKFLASH is looking for a response code 70 from the drive to start flashing.
Whilst the hitachi drives have a distinct recovery mode the samsungs show a code 70 JUST after power on.
I'm assuming this is a small recovery window that we can use.
The MTKFLASH software doesn't really care what device is on the SATA bus at the beginning, as long as it can detect something. Hence is people put a hot swap drive or hard drive on the sata bus, the software says "Ahh, SATA 1 has a device on there" and gives to the option to flash that port.
Only when you press 1 on the keyboard to start flashing does it try to detect what KIND of device it is and waits for the required 70 code to start flashing.
So in summary ..
Get MTKFLASH working so it detects a device on your Sata bus (Either the DVD drive or a hard drive)
Then start the flashing procedure JUST AFTER the dvd is given power, after a couple of attempts it should catch the Code 70 and start flashing.
Hope this helps.
Jag har fått fart på flera stycken samsungdrivar som flashningen strulat på genom det som beskrivs ovan, ibland efter ett par försök, så det lönar sig att prova.
Den kan väl endå inte gå sönder när man gör en backup av firmwaren? Då skriver man väl ingeting till dvdn?Citat:
Original inlägg av The_eggcode