A New firmware for the TS-H943 drive released by commodore4eva!...
Whats new:
(V5.0) Single Layer DVD disc support(+/-R) for both Xbox1 and 360
(V5.0) Xbox1 file ISO support - burn just game files to disk in ISO format
(V5.0) Xbox1 file ISO capacity increase to utilise full disk space for single layer
(v5.0) 360 file ISO support (Work in progress. New QWIX tool to come)
(V5.0) Supports older style XBox1 disk format (just burn game.iso)
(v5.0) Enable0800 disk now supported on single layer disk
(v5.0) New 5.0a (fast always) and 5.0b (slow always) read speed option (Originals unaffected)
A Few side notes:
This release will play previously burnt (if supported) xbox 1 games, but only if they are built with gdfimage or another builder based on it. Qwix(info) built images have different header information and will not boot! A new version will be out soon enough to fix these issues. Also, xbe's that are patched/modifed will also not boot, due to the signature being broke.
360 iso based Single Layer images are still being worked on. The support is there in v5, but the protection must be figured out on the disc structure. Qwix should be the first program to do this, and there is no ETA.
Official Site: (n/a by commodore4eva)
Download: n/a (May be illegal under EULA/DMCA)