Cyclo-Wiz uppdateringen snart här
Sorry for the lack of news lately. While we didn't update the site we tried to keep up with support mails as we wanted to wait for something concrete for the site. We clearly underestimated the time needed to create the upgrade disc and we apologize for that.
First of all, solving the slowdown issue was only possible by changing the whole firmware structure. Technically speaking, up until now the chip was becoming transparent just before disc started to spin. It was not possible to use this method while using full speed reading. This major structure change lead to some other problems that had to be resolved and a lot of testing and debugging had to be performed. That alone took much more time than what we expected, but we now have an elegant solution, the chip becomes transparent as soon as the disc is initialized. The other major challenge was making an upgrader with a GUI, what we didn't plan to do at first. While it sounds simple, the complexity of the task was not properly evaluated.
We are happy to say than both the new firmware and the upgrader are entering testing phase. While we still have to fix a couple of minor bugs and test it on several consoles, we are really close to the public release.
We already sent the current version of the upgrader to a few respected sceners. One video of the upgrader in action on a first generation CycloWiz has already been put online here. We know that people don't want videos or reviews, but be assured that it's only a question of days : the testers are free to release the alpha upgrader should we not provide a final upgrader within one week. We'll keep you updated daily until it's released. We hope this clarifies the situation.
Man kan ju hoppas att dom löser dom andra små problemen snart, börjar bli lite utdraget. Här är länken till filmen: