Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex/SS combination, hjälp tack
Tjenna tanka nyss Spiderman.3.PAL.XBOX360-CUNTS men när jag skulle köra det i ABGX360 så stöte jag på ett fel. sen ligger det 3mappar i oxkså som heter (incomplete)-Security.Files, (no-nfo)-Security.Files och Security.Files där de ligger en rar fil i varje mapp och den inehåller DMI, PFI och SS.
är det någon som vet hur jag ska göra?
\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/█\\//\ \ \/ /┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
//\\//\\//\\//\█▀█\█▀█\█▀█/ /\ \ ─┤├─┐│ │//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//
Checking for updates to GameNameLookup.csv and abgx360.dat...
Server file GameNameLookup.csv no newer than local file - not retrieving
Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving
D:\Xbox 360\Spiderman.3.PAL.XBOX360-CUNTS\cunts-sm\IMAGE.dvd is valid
Checking Game
ISO: "D:\Xbox 360\Spiderman.3.PAL.XBOX360-CUNTS\cunts-sm\IMAGE.iso"
Size: 7572881408 bytes (normal size)
Files in ISO: 1281, Folders in ISO: 5
Total bytes used: 3943308463 (54.03%)
Game appears to have random padding
Checking default.xex
Original PE Filename:
Original PE Timestamp: 2007/03/22 05:23:28
Game Name: Spider-Man 3
Developer: Treyarch
Publisher: Activision
Genre: Action
Achievements: 43 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore
XEX Media ID: 950E0D79DBA73CBEC5AFF9CD-5E753988
Spider-Man 3
Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF
Region Free!
Checking SS
Timestamp of Authoring: 2007/03/23 00:00:00
Timestamp of Mastering: 2007/04/13 21:29:34
SS CRC = 70C32E2E (RawSS = D5877A80)
SS Media ID: 950E0D79DBA73CBEC5AFF9CD-5E753988 (matches game)
SS looks valid
Checking DMI
Timestamp of Authoring: 2007/03/23 00:00:00 (matches SS)
DMI CRC = 86A7FC63
DMI Media ID: 950E0D79DBA73CBEC5AFF9CD-5E753988 (matches game)
DMI looks valid
Checking PFI
PFI matches known data (2nd wave)
Video partition found
Video CRC = 91410773 (V0 = 81DF6964, V1 = E47F6A94)
Video partition matches known data (2nd wave)
Stealth check passed!
Starting Verification
Looking for 70C32E2EBE9DCBBA.ini in the online verified database
There is no verified rip of this Xex/SS combination in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex/SS combination
Verification failed
Starting AutoFix
Looking for Xex_BE9DCBBA.ini in the online verified database
There are no verified rips of this Xex in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex
AutoFix Failed, Stealth is still unverified
Press any key to exit . . .