Xtreme v1.6 0800 fw for Benq, Samsung and Liteon drives!
-Common API designed for easier application use!
-Support for SS V2!
-Direct 0800 mode for game dumping including SS v2!
This firmware is =NOT FOR USE IN A CONSOLE= and is provided
with the intended use of being in a dedicated "ripping" drive.
This means:
a. Does not need your DVD key,
b. Does not need spoofing as another drive,
c. Does not need to use the tray half open and
d. Does not need to use the activate.iso to use this firmware on the pc.
More Info
SS v2 supports multiple timing samples for challenges type 5 and 7, storing them in the SS. This is a pre-requisite for SS v3 which has support for the so called AP2.5 check. Since this has never been used or may never be used by MS we will adopt a wait and see approach and continue to monitor for its usage.
ix16 0800 Commands
AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 00 C0 - SS/CPRMAI
AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 ID C0 - SS Challenge ID
12 00 00 00 30 C0 00 00 00 49 58 01 - ix Cmd 1 - Dumps key and rev 0x30 bytes
12 00 00 00 24 C0 00 xx xx 49 58 02 - ix Cmd 2 - Output 0x800 bytes from ram address
12 00 00 00 24 C0 00 00 00 49 58 03 - ix Cmd 3 - Toggles Lock/UnLock Game partition