It's released! Commodore4eva, who already released a modified firmware for the Xbox1 Samsung drive and Toshiba-Samung Xbox 360 drive some time ago, now released a modified firmware (for version 47D only atm, version 46 will be released later) of the Hitachi-LG Xbox360 DVD drive.
The procedure to flash your drive is easier than with the Toshiba-Samsung drive, because you will just have to update a few banks of your FW flash chip. This means you will not have to first dump the FW (although we suggest you do this and if you follow the procedures in the nfo below, the Xtreme bat file will auto make a full backup prior flashing), get the key, patch the key on the modified FW and reflash the whole modified w/ key FW to the drive. Instead you can directly partially 'patchflash' the onboard chip with the modified code keeping the rest of the FW (like drive key) untouched.
Also, unlike the Toshiba-Samung, the Hitachi-LG drive will be recognised by Windows in modeb ('debug'), so it'll make flashing the drive easier and it will not require an additional FW to raw dump your Xbox 360 discs in Windows.
However, just like with the Toshiba-Samsung H943 drive you will have to burn your games on dual-layer DVD+DL discs (even if image is below 4.7gb ... this is because of security checks on layer0) and you'll have to use raw/unedited images patched with the Security Sector (SS) and of the same region as your console (or if game is regionfree that's fine too of course). A good guide on how you can dump your own games, get SS and patch them is available here.
From Commodore4eva on
News-Source: xboxhacker.netCitat:
Here it is, the long awaited World first Xbox 360 backup firmware modification to boot game backups on Hitachi!
* Boots all Xtreme Xbox 360 backups
* Boots all Xtreme Xbox 1 backups supported by emulator
* Boots all Xbox 360 originals
* Boots all Xbox 1 originals supported by emulator
* Use on Xbox Live at own risk
Technical details:
* Reads Xbox 360 security sector from PSN 04FB1F (Layer 0)
* Reads Xbox 1 security sector from PSN 605FF (Layer 0)
* Flashes sector 9003e000 (Master Checksum)
* Flashes sector 90035000 (Security Sector Read)
* Flashes sector 9001c000 (Drive Response Table Decrypt)
* Flashes sector 90003000 (Custom Code)
* Flashes sector 90027000 (Challenge Response)
Flashing your drive:
xtreme.bat automatically makes a backup of your dvd drive firmware called orig.bin.
Plug SATA cable from DVD drive to PC. Power cable drive still connected to Xbox 360
Ensure Hitachi drive is in 'mode b' either by two wire trick or slax linux boot cd
Go to Windows
Run xtreme.bat batch file from a dos prompt specifing drive letter eg "xtreme.bat g"
All done!
Run restore.bat to revert to original firmware eg "restore.bat g"
Thanks to everyone at for all their discussions. Thanks go to Seventhson for flashsec and memdump and Loser for firmcrypt, without these tools this would not be possible.
Hitachi drive seems to be less tolerant of dual layer media. Try a few times to boot a backup.
Firmware for 46 version will be released soon but I cannot test it. Code is offset slightly throughout the firmware.
Download: n/a (might be illegal to distribute under DMCA/EUCD)