Hittade denna info på skaparna av NEO2s sida.
Jag kan tyvärr inte ge er adressen, för den är spärrad på denna board, men den börjar på playstation och slutar på mods .com
08:30pm - I am happy to confirm that Tom our Technical Manager has finally cracked the PS2. We have a no swap mod operating on all US models and all UK models. We will be testing on Australian, European and Japanese models shortly. There is still much work to do before release and many issues which we need to clear up so please no emails or questions they will be deleted without reply. This has happened a lot sooner than we expected.....!!!!!!!!!
Tydligen har den 28 lödpunkter! Man får väl hoppas på att den inte blir för dyr ^_^
PS adresse
[This message has been edited by grendizer (edited 26 July 2001).]
[This message has been edited by grendizer (edited 26 July 2001).]