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Diskussion: xbmc..hur instalera jag??

  1. #1
    Mar 2004

    xbmc..hur instalera jag??

    Har laddat hem senaste vers av xbmc(xbmc-2004-03-09.rar) o nu undrar jag om det finns någon guide hur man instalerar pådetta på xboxen??
    Eller om det finns någon som vill hjälpa mig??

  2. #2
    Dec 2003
    Packa upp och skapa en xbmc-katalog under apps och lägg allt där.

  3. #3
    Mar 2004
    jag undrar om det går att lägga direkt på xboxen?
    jag har fösökt att lägga under c mappen på xbox sedan editerat meny filen o hänvisatt till den mappen...
    jag vet att den söker efter defult.exb men media startar inte inte heller med skiva....
    Fan gör jag för fel??

  4. #4
    Mar 2003


    Det finns fler som har probs att anv xbmc som dash.
    Hittade denna citat.
    "Copy (nb: that's copy, not move) the default.xbe and xboxmediacenter.xml to your c: drive. Set your bios to boot the xbmc xbe.
    This can either be done by renaming it to evoxdash.xbe or such - replacing evox.
    Or by editing the bios to boot your xbmc xbe first (I'd suggest renaming it from default.xbe tho - a good name is xbmc.xbe or xbmcdash.xbe). "

    Jag rekomenderar dig ändå att inte anv xbmc som dash tills det kommer "grönt ljus" från xbmc. Det buggar tydligen.
    För att avhjälpa ditt prob, prova att ominstallera hela C: typ med superdisk eller dyl. OBS! Backa up hela c: innan ominstallationen.
    3 viktiga ord i alla sammanhang: backup, backup backup!

    Backup på backup för att backa upp backup Lycka till


  5. #5
    Dec 2000
    2 386
    För mig funkar XBMC som dash kanoners! Nu har jag ju X-Link KAI support i XBMC så när jag ska lira online så finns menyn redan där i dashen...

    Jag bygger iof mina builds själv så jag har alltid uppdaterade men jag har läst att flera kör 2004-03-09 builden som dash utan problem...

  6. #6
    Mar 2003


    Det var skönt att höra KTD, tyvärr fanns det de som råkade illa ut i stormen, och fick problem med XBMC som dash. Mitt svar vänder sig främst till dessa.

    Kan man köra X-link i xbmc? det var nytt för mig. hur gjorde du? Phyton?
    Jag vågar ännu inte ha xbmc som dash, med tanke på alla problem jag stött på med bl.a avalaonch, vid uppdateringen fr 0484 till 04860 (eprom problemet)

    Det vore kul att veta hur du har löst det.

  7. #7
    Dec 2000
    2 386
    Det är med i nya cvsen... Kom för typ 4 dagar sen...

    Du startar bara upp KAI Engine på datorn sen sköter du allt från XBMC...

  8. #8
    Dec 2003
    ktd, finns det nån möjlighet att få en ny build av dig?

  9. #9
    Mar 2003


    Spännande, ska genast packa upp den nya o leka lite.

  10. #10
    Apr 2004


    Hrmm...jag skulle oxå vilja testa KAI & köra onlajn direkt i menyn...
    Vart kan man få tag på den tro? Är det att hoppas på KTD?

  11. #11
    Dec 2000
    2 386
    Nix. Jag är hård som sten...

    Jag ger inte ut mina builds!

  12. #12
    Dec 2003
    Hittade en ny build på

    Men den funkade inte 100 dock tyckte jag.

  13. #13
    Mar 2003
    Kai verkar funka, men om man har spelen på HD:n , hur vet xbmc vilken mapp spelen finns i. När jag klickar på play, säger den bara att jag ska sätta in spelt i xboxen och sätta den i system link. Vart configgar jag det isf?

  14. #14
    Dec 2000
    2 386
    Citat Original inlägg av LaSnow
    Kai verkar funka, men om man har spelen på HD:n , hur vet xbmc vilken mapp spelen finns i. När jag klickar på play, säger den bara att jag ska sätta in spelt i xboxen och sätta den i system link. Vart configgar jag det isf?
    Det gör den inte ännu. Men det är inget problem... Gå bara till rummet du vill lira i och sen går du tillbaka till My Programs, väljer Games och sen startar du spelet där som vanligt. Du kan oxå boota om xboxen och starta spelet från din dash om du inte kör xbmc som dash.
    Du kan till och med stänga av boxen och starta spelet senare och fortfarande kunna spela.

    KAI stödet i xbmc styr ju bara KAI Engine på datorn. Det är ju datorn som har all kommunitkation men alla Orbitals...

  15. #15
    Mar 2003
    juoo, testade det förut, men ibland gick det o ibland inte, den nya xmbc är grymt buggig, återgick till den förra i hopp om förbättreing, Ska kolla på PC versionen av xbmc, hmmm

  16. #16
    Dec 2000
    2 386
    Oki. För mig funkar det 100%...
    Vad är det som inte funkar?

  17. #17
    Mar 2003
    när jag spelar upp filmer packade i bin, blir skärmen svart. dessutom den nya visualation efter några minuter svartnar skärmen igen
    och man får starta om den.

  18. #18
    Dec 2000
    2 386
    Så det var inte med KAI du hade problem alltså...

    Hmm. Antar att du kör med 2004-03-09 builden och den är över en månad gamal nu så jag kommer inte ihåg om det var nått sånt problem med bin filer då. Inte vad jag kan komma ihåg iaf.
    Hur spelar du upp filmerna? Från boxens hd, cd/dvd, smb, RelaX osv...
    Se oxå till at du har ett uppdaterat skin om du inte kör med det som följer med...

  19. #19
    Mar 2003
    ja jag gick tabax till 2004-03-09 builden den sviker aldrig, med avvaktan till en officell build. Lite synd att man inte kunde köra ngn annan skin från på den nya. Men det kommer säkert.

  20. #20
    Dec 2000
    2 386
    Vadå inget annat skin? Jag kör Projekt Myhem...

    Här har du en list på sånt som är inlaggt/ändrat/fixat sen 2004-03-09...
    - 15-04-2004 fixed: Settings->Info showed C: free space as: Mbfree. Should now be MB free.
    - 14-04-2004 removed: accelerated scrolling and faster standard navigation. restored earlier, casued to many probs
    - 14-04-2004 added: patch from sf: return false from Http.Connect if link is disconnected
    - 13-04-2004 fixed: visualisations desynced and spectrums flashing erratically.
    - 13-04-2004 fixed: visualisations playing slow
    - 13-04-2004 added: new python methods (getLanguage, getIPAddress, getDVDState, getFreeMem, getCpuTemp)
    - 13-04-2004 added: python documentation
    - 13-04-2004 fixed: My Programs did not display programs in the root of the share.
    - 13-04-2004 fixed: AC3 passthrough not working.
    - 12-04-2004 added: accelerated scrolling and faster standard navigation
    - 12-04-2004 fixed: bug in python fuction window.addControl()
    - 12-04-2004 added: Enlarge subtitles option to scale subtitles up (useful for hard to read vobsubs).
    - 12-04-2004 fixed: vobsubs are very slow loading.
    - 11-04-2004 fixed: music output chopping ~3s off the end of files.
    - 11-04-2004 added: sf patch [ 931622 ] don't timeout audio OSD if timeout is set to 0
    - 11-04-2004 fixed: my music db reorg scans for new files now
    - 11-04-2004 fixed: my music db reorg cover art was not re-read and various artist was not checked
    - 11-04-2004 fixed: large vobsubs crash XBMC.
    - 10-04-2004 changed: reverted change for RSS feed location in NTSC. Fix needs to be in resizing.
    - 10-04-2004 fixed: Changed Y position for RSS feed in home.xml for NTSC so it displays correctly.
    - 10-04-2004 fixed: added a few missing lines to cores\EMUmsvcrt.cpp, oops
    - 09-04-2004 fixed: Shoutcast broken since 6th or 7th april cvs.
    - 09-04-2004 fixed: Questor\Fused's bugfix to CXmlDocument (vis bugfix)
    - 09-04-2004 fixed: updated vis sources and recompiled .vis files
    - 09-04-2004 added: new vizualisation G-Force ported by Questor/Fused
    - 09-04-2004 added: Playlist windows, repeat and repeat one button
    - 09-04-2004 added: settings my music, option to disable playlist in songs window
    - 09-04-2004 added: settings my music, option to disable repeat in my music windows
    - 09-04-2004 added: my music songs, Option to auto switch between list and thumb control, disabled by default
    Directory should not contain files. If one folder of the directory
    has a thumbnail, view is switched to thumbs control else the list
    control is used.
    - 07-04-2004 fixed: cmplayer::load() resolve imports failed, missed strspn and strcspn.
    - 06-04-2004 fixed: folder.jpg, .tbn support for DVD
    - 06-04-2004 fixed: python, playlist items did not get freed properly (small memory leak)
    - 06-04-2004 fixed: a bug in python where adding a python control to a python window could crash xbmc
    - 06-04-2004 added: added a listcontrol to python module xbmcgui
    - 06-04-2004 added: (sf patch) [ 928143 ] let info button bring OSD up and down in audio vis
    - 06-04-2004 fixed: my music, trimming spaces for title, artist,... in musictags when loading from file
    - 06-04-2004 added: my music, option to delete a single album from database
    - 05-04-2004 added: getLocalizedString function for python
    - 05-04-2004 fixed: XBMC was not booting under NTSC due to missing info in references.xml
    - 05-04-2004 fixed: Fixed topbar (pal and ntsc)
    - 04-04-2004 fixed: progress dialogs for cddb and in weather settings was not closed anymore
    - 04-04-2004 added: python, gui lock and unlock for faster GUI manipulation with python
    - 04-04-2004 added: python, textbox
    - 04-04-2004 fixed: removed unneeded includes in the python library
    - 04-04-2004 added: my music, search based on musicdatabase
    - 04-04-2004 changed: show more then on dialog at the same time
    - 03-04-2004 fixed: exception in Render when window has a list control
    - 02-04-2004 changed: listcontrol shows full page when moving from top to bottom
    - 02-04-2004 changed: making musicdatabase global
    - 02-04-2004 fixed: playlist doesn't continue when modal or progress dialog is shown
    - 01-04-2004 fixed: dvd subtitles for dvd's with only i subtitle stream (hopefully)
    - 01-04-2004 fixed: ogm files subtitle stream selection didn't work
    - 01-04-2004 changed: skin directory layout now handles subdirs for all resolutions.
    - 01-04-2004 changed: media/ dir in skin can now contain subdirs to help organise skin files
    - 01-04-2004 changed: converted pal coordinates in the ntsc skin to ntsc coordinates.
    - 01-04-2004 changed: credits.txt replaced by tags in the skin.xml file.
    - 31-03-2004 changed: audio/subtitle selection now works with dvd's with the language of the stream shown in osd. (new mplayer.dll)
    - 30-03-2004 fixed: cdda playback broken
    - 30-03-2004 fixed: album info, if no review and/or picture is available the album was not shown
    - 30-03-2004 fixed: album info was broken
    - 27-03-2004 changed: Flatten Hierarchy and only show default.xbe is now defaulted to true in Settings->Programs
    - 18-03-2004 fixed: "Exit" symbol turns off the xbox? suggest to make exit go to dashboard and another icon for poweroff
    - 27-03-2004 fixed: Subtitle On/Off reversed in OSD and [ACTIVE] text behind chosen sub doesnt update when you select
    - 27-03-2004 fixed: Choppy lossless WMA audio.
    - 27-03-2004 fixed: Enter a subdir of the XBMSP root. Go back, ".." is missing from the XBMSP root and u cant go back to share list. Happens ONLY in videos w/ xbmsp
    - 26-03-2004 fixed: playing a 4.3G dvdr .img file (using the new -dvd-device code) via XBMSP: doesnt load at all
    - 26-03-2004 fixed: playing a 4.3G dvdr .img file (using the new -dvd-device code) past 2gb limit: doesn't work
    - 26-03-2004 added: virtual keyboard for python
    - 26-03-2004 added: l8test HD spindown patch from SF
    - 26-03-2004 added: show tracknames for soundstracks patch from SF
    - 26-03-2004 fixed: uses lseek64 in mplayer.dll for files > 2gb
    - 25-03-2004 fixed: dvdfolder playback on samba shares.
    - 25-03-2004 fixed: On ISO/UDF discs UDF disc label was used, should be ISO label
    - 24-03-2004 fixed: virtual keyboard did not work in debug mode
    - 24-03-2004 fixed: show some pictures through webserver. After pressing back or stop screen will turn black
    - 24-03-2004 fixed: in webserver, wrong configfile was loaded when using xbmc in dash mode
    - 24-03-2004 added: pyexpat module to python, should fix all those xml problems
    - 23-03-2004 fixed: HD spindown
    - 23-03-2004 fixed: DVD playback from HD now works
    - 23-03-2004 fixed: autorun didn't worked for ISO/UDF discs
    - 23-03-2004 fixed: my music, after scanning, directory isn't updated to show new thumbs
    - 23-03-2004 fixed: my music, tag reading for unscanned files was broken
    - 23-03-2004 added: duration of VBRI mp3 files
    - 23-03-2004 fixed: sometimes duration of CBR mp3s was calculated incorrect
    - 23-03-2004 added: Added My Programs database. Speed increase in displaying My Programs bookmarks.
    - 23-03-2004 changed: iso/udf discs are treated as iso now
    - 23-03-2004 fixed: memory leak in ogg tag loader
    - 23-03-2004 fixed: memory leak in wma tag loader
    - 23-03-2004 added: Duration for .ogg files
    - 22-03-2004 fixed: my files, using eg. copy or move action, last selected items was not remembered
    - 22-03-2004 fixed: Playlists, removing an item above current, pressing next -> wrong item
    - 22-03-2004 fixed: my video playlist, two items with same name where both highlighted when entering playlist
    - 22-03-2004 fixed: my music playlist, two items with same name where both highlighted when entering playlist
    - 22-03-2004 fixed: my music songs, folder containing playlist and songs, current selected item was incorrect
    - 22-03-2004 added: Logging for DVD media detection
    - 22-03-2004 added: UDF version detection, if ISO/UDF disc with other UDF version then 1.02 is detected ISO is used
    - 21-03-2004 changed: Visual tweaks for credits
    - 19-03-2004 fixed: when using xbmc as dash, configfile was not saved to c:\ when using configure->save in the http server
    - 19-03-2004 added: file with licence and permission for icon usage.
    - 19-03-2004 added: new icons for weather
    - 19-03-2004 fixed: configwebpage in http server, settings for G drive where not saved
    - 19-03-2004 added: music and video playlist to http server
    - 19-03-2004 fixed: can't return to home screen when a video is started from the webserver
    - 19-03-2004 fixed: cleaned up the source files for the webserver
    - 19-03-2004 fixed: folder.jpg for my videos was broken
    - 19-03-2004 changed: Directory cache now caches all directory entries
    - 19-03-2004 fixed: Directory cache didn't worked for smb
    - 18-03-2004 changed: New credits sequence with music, graphics, etc. (please see docs\readme.txt for details of uploading the credits resources).
    - 16-03-2004 added: FLAC tag and duration reading (uses Vorbis comments like Ogg)
    - 16-03-2004 fixed: CPU temperature display was being calculated incorrectly.
    - 16-03-2004 fixed: CFile::Cache doesn't work for xbms files greater approx. 120k
    - 16-03-2004 fixed: myweather didnt work when XBMC is started from DVD (SF patch)
    - 16-03-2004 added: myweather now supports 3 locations (SF patch)
    - 16-03-2004 added: High quality audio resampling with CDDA playback
    - 15-03-2004 fixed: my files, when copying from smb share no folder where created (using patch from forum by Moby)
    - 15-03-2004 changed: my files, enabled rename button for destination
    - 15-03-2004 changed: my files, disable copy and move actions in destination
    - 14-03-2004 changed: video playlist window now repeates its playlist
    - 14-03-2004 changed: video windows now use the temp video playlist for stacked playing
    - 14-03-2004 fixed: video playlist window doesn't deselect playing item after stopping
    - 14-03-2004 fixed: shuffle buttons in playlist windows screwed up other active playlists
    - 14-03-2004 changed: disabling playlistplayer when stopping
    - 14-03-2004 fixed: unlimited cycling through playlist, if all files in playlist do not exist
    - 14-03-2004 fixed: subtitles in same folder as movie didnt work anymore
    - 14-03-2004 added: SSRC 48kHz resampling of all mplayer audio + GUI option for the same
    - 13-03-2004 fixed: no video info is shown for mpegs
    - 13-03-2004 fixed: SKIN bug: cant see current playing song in my music
    - 13-03-2004 fixed: Gifs delays were sometimes wrong
    - 13-03-2004 fixed: in python changed getdiscription to getdescription
    - 13-03-2004 fixed: directory browsing in webserver didn't worked at all since last update
    - 13-03-2004 added: support for Xenium LCD
    - 13-03-2004 fixed: .tbn was broken
    - 13-03-2004 fixed: subtitle selection in OSD (not working yet for movies with embedded subtitles like ogm)
    - 13-03-2004 fixed: volume control. When I bring the volume down below half way, I then cannot put it back above that half way point.
    - 13-03-2004 fixed: skin my music album, view by icon, Artist name has a little offset
    - 13-03-2004 Fixed: Added missing libgoahead files to xbmc.vcproj (Thx to Snyper)
    - 13-03-2004 Fixed: Credits and reboot button position
    - 13-03-2004 added: basic support for configuring xbmc through the webserver
    - 13-03-2004 added: removed old xbmc webpages and add new ones for the webserver
    - 11-03-2004 fixed: problem with IMDB not finding any movie
    - 11-03-2004 fixed: crash: simply play music until internal playlist ends, then SKIP to NEXT track = crash (local or smb, doesnt matter, no viz needed)/pike
    - 12-03-2004 added: fix from SF for Weather localization
    - 12-03-2004 added: directory cache
    - 12-03-2004 added: reboot/back to smartxx OS button on home
    - 12-03-2004 added: credits screen to ? button on home
    - 12-03-2004 added: Possible increase in directory loading by calling stat and GetFileAttributes instead of opening the file.
    - 12-03-2004 added: Credits screen.
    - 12-03-2004 fixed: Rotated pictures showing incorrect colours
    - 12-03-2004 added: More checks for music scan
    - 12-03-2004 added: High quality 48kHz upsampling support (currently disabled)
    - 12-03-2004 fixed: Pictures/Slideshow now use RGB with filtering output instead of hardware overlays
    - 11-03-2004 fixed: Texture loader DVD compatibility (works without the DVD in the drive).
    - 11-03-2004 fixed: if a file is created/opened by python, nothing else can access it.
    - 11-03-2004 added: support for OGM subtitles
    - 11-03-2004 added: support for MS soundtracks (SF submitted patch)
    - 11-03-2004 fixed: Pause function seems to pause, then skip back a frame
    - 11-03-2004 fixed: OSD: no controls didnt have the focus
    - 11-03-2004 fixed: Texture bundle loader doesn't work with DVDs.
    - 11-03-2004 fixed: Black screen when XBMC loads
    - 11-03-2004 fixed: Texture tool crashes when given a single-image gif
    - 10-03-2004 fixed: pal60 OSD calibration: make sure OSD is always visible
    - 10-03-2004 added: volume control (analog output only)
    - 10-03-2004 fixed: More 1080i aspect ratio fixes
    - 10-03-2004 fixed: 1080i video only playing on half the screen
    - 10-03-2004 fixed: Some memory leaks in the sid player (still leaks ~5k per play).
    - 10-03-2004 fixed: YV12 converter uses filter settings (was forcing linear previously)
    - 10-03-2004 fixed: filter settings were not being applied at startup
    - 10-03-2004 fixed: SID playback not working on digital out (only ^&%&^% noise)
    - 10-03-2004 fixed: Selection of the different sids in 1 sid file not working
    - 10-03-2004 fixed: my music thumbs where not shown after getting album info
    - 10-03-2004 added: FF/RW can be used to skip tracks in a multi-track sid file.
    - 10-03-2004 added: pixel wastage counter to texture tool, pay attention to it please!
    - 10-03-2004 fixed: YV12->RGB convertor:video playback of a movie 300x150 crashes in xbox_video.cpp. reason: XGSetTextureHeader() fails for U/V planes in Directx_CreateOverlay()
    - 10-03-2004 fixed: SERIOUS MEMORY LEAK with latest project mayhem skin ( )
    - 10-03-2004 fixed: Digital output of 48kHz PCM streams set to PCM mode now instead of ENCODED.
    - 10-03-2004 added: MCPx output is now boosted by 6dB across the board. Should now be at maximum possible output without clipping.
    Bara så du kan se vad du missar...
    Last edited by ktd; 2004-04-16 at 03:56.

  21. #21
    Apr 2004
    Hur bär man sig åt om man vill kompilera en egen XBMC utifrån de källkoder som finns på ? Jag skulle vilja använda Project Mayhem och hittar ingen senare än den från den 9:e mars 2004 (XBOX_Media_Center_2004-03-09_build-PROPER-IND) och den senaste project mayhem vill ha "XBMC Apr. 11th and on"

    Mvh Jonas

  22. #22
    Dec 2000
    2 386

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