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Diskussion: Infinity Manager?

  1. #1

    Infinity Manager?

    Jag behöver hjälp med detta.
    Hur vet man om man har Infinity Manager?
    Hur gör man så att den kommer upp?
    Måste ha det för att använda ps2 media playern
    Vart kan man tanka den?Har provat att bränna det på en skiva för det var en bin fil men ps2 ville inte reagera på skivan

    Hoppas ni kan hjälpa mig

  2. #2
    Behöver ingen hjälp. Fixade allt

  3. #3
    Oct 2004

    Installerade du PS2 Reality media player?

    Har försökt att installera mediaplayern, men får det inte att funka. Har provat olika filer men inget tycks få installationen att gå igång. Jag har redan infinity manager installerat, men hur skall jag bränna cd:n för att installera media player?

  4. #4
    Oct 2004

    Ytterligare en fråga

    Är det någon som gjort eller hört talas om skins för Infinity manager? UI:n är ju bland det fulaste jag sett, ser ut som något från 80-talet...

  5. #5
    Oct 2004

    hur installera infinity manager?

    I have a Matrix Infinity and I would like to to run applications. I've downloaded and upgraded all the latest flash upgrades, no problem there. The next step is clearly to install the Infinity Manager to a memory card, but how? I've searched all the forums and tried all different combinations of booting the PS2 with different keys pressed down, to no avail. The only instructions I can find are on the infinity website:

    "Installing the Infinity Manager to the memory card:
    - Insert a PS2 memory card into slot 1 and select

    I can insert a PS2 memory card into slot 1 but then what? What state should the PS2 be in when I do this? Is the "MEMORY CARD MANAGER" the built in browser that let's me see the icons of save-games? If so, there is no "INSTALL INFINITY MANAGER" option even when the infinity firware upgarade CD is inserted (I assume the Infinity Manager is located on the firware upgarade CD that I've burned (?)).

    Please give me a hint, anything.


  6. #6
    Oct 2004

    easy at first, don't know the rest

    Hi, Infinity manager along with firmware version 1.2 is available from their website, I'm sure you'll find the address here somewhere. Burn the bin/cue files and just pop into your ps2, they will automatically start and ask you if you want to install infinity manager. When you're done, reboot and then hold triangle until the menu for infinity manager pops up on screen. You're done!

    To upgrade the firmware to version 1.3, just download the bin/cue from the webpage, burn and pop it in yor ps2. No need to hold down triangle, it starts automatically. When your done, just eject and reboot. You will only notice the upgrade when you start a backup, just below infinitys own Playstation-logo-animation, you'll find the text version 1.3 somewhere.

    To install applications, well I'm dying to know that myself, I can't get anything to work there. I'm trying to install PS2Reality player, if you find anything that works, please post it here! Cheers

  7. #7
    Oct 2004
    Thanks, the thing was that the infinity manager was _only_ available on the infinity site bundled together with an _old_ firware upgrade, not the latest one! So now I have the infinity manager, only to get stuck at the next step. The PS2Reality mediaplayer doesn't install for me either

    I burned two different mediaplayer CD:s, setting the LBA:s correctly, using Pinnacle InstantDisc (they say Nero doesn't burn the mediaplayer correctly), but the infinity manager just says "install failed".

    Burning with Nero (with no option of setting the LBA:s) I can actually run the media player! But only from CD, no install to memory card

    HolyRiot, vad brännde du med?
    Last edited by boenna; 2004-10-20 at 00:40.

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