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Diskussion: XBMC hänger sig fortfarande! hjälp!

  1. #1
    Apr 2004

    XBMC hänger sig fortfarande! hjälp!

    Hallå hej!

    Har ett problem som jag har försökt få löst, men ingen/inget hjälper...
    allt för ofta när jag går in i XBMC så låser sig det och jag måste starta om boxen. Efter kanske 10-12 omstarter så kanske det funkar!

    Jag gick precis in i xbmc.log.old och kollade och där hittade jag nånting
    "WARNING Not initializing network, using settings as they are setup by dashboard"
    Vet inte om det kan vara nått, jag vet inte riktigt va den menar...

    Jag har de vanliga inställningarna fasta ip på pcn o boxen och rätt nätmaks o gateway..
    använder en d-link 604 router
    och xbmx 1.1 på boxen
    smb utdelning på windows
    pathen i xml ser ut så här <path>smb://xbox:xbox@</path>

    pc -> router -> xbox

    Nån som har en susning om vad detta kan vara?

  2. #2
    Apr 2004
    eftersom ingen verkar ha kunnat hjälpa mig under hur många månader som helst
    har jag efter myyyycke om o men troligen lyckats lösa det själv...
    om någon har samma problem följ detta som jag kopierat från xbmc´s forum

    Q: I have changed to another build of XBMC and get some strange problems, what to do now?
    A: When up or down-grading XBMC version/build level you need to delete the "Xbox Media Center" save under memory in the original Xbox? dashboard and reboot, this will restore XBMC to it?s default settings which is needed each time changing the build version. Alternativly delete both ?0face008? folders under E:\UDATA & E:\TDATA on your Xbox (including the system.bin file in one of these folders). If this do not help then follow the normal bug reporting procedure.

    Q: I try to launch XBMC from a dashboard and it does not start (freeze or black screen), why?
    A: Make sure that XBMC's .XBE (executable) is patched from DEBUG to RETAIL, if it's set to DEBUG older Xbox modchips/BIOS can't use it. (You can patch it with xbepatch or deXBE). You also need to make sure date/time on Xbox is correct (set in Microsoft-Xbox-Dashboard). In addition make sure that the video mode option for XBMC is set to "Auto" in bootup dashboard.
    If you get same problem again try a other build of XBMC, if still same issue follow EvoX FAQ.

    Q: I use EvoX (ie. EvolutionX) as my primary bootup dashboard and I'm experiencing crashes, hangs, freezes, slow playback/loading, performance issues and/or network problems in XBMC.
    A: First of all make sure you are using the latest version of Evo-X. Also delete both ?0face008? folders under E:\UDATA & E:\TDATA on your Xbox, see here (link). If you still have problems, in Evo-X (evox.ini) disable both IGR (in game reset) and TSR (trainer), which both can cause this. You also need to make sure date/time on Xbox is correct (set in Microsoft-Xbox-Dashboard). Try physically disconnect the network cable, if that helps then there's a EvoX to XBMC conflict. In addition make sure that the video mode/standard option for XBMC is set to "Auto" in EvoX. (Note! If use DHCP with EvoX make sure you then also use DHCP XBMC, same with static IP).

    Q: How do I give XBMC a local IP address & subnet mask to use a XStream Server or FTP?
    A: Use DHCP or you can give XboxMediaCenter a static IP via the XboxMediaCenter.xml file.
    (Note! If use DHCP with EvoX make sure you then also use DHCP XBMC, same with static IP).

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