Lite snålt med kul saker i 2.60... RSS är iof bra men streama video hade jag sett som ett stort +!

? [RSS Channel] has been added as a feature under [Network].

? [Simplified Chinese (GB18030)] and [Tradition Chinese (Big5)] have been added as options to [Encoding] under [View] in the [Internet Browser] menu bar. (Characters may be indistinct in some cases when these encoding options are selected.)

? [Volume Adjustment] has been added as a feature to [LocationFree Player].

? You can now download video data that supports copyright protection using the [Internet Browser].

? WMA has been added as a codec that can be played under [Music]. (This applies to music data saved on your Memory Stick.) Note: You must adjust a system setting to enable playback of WMA format music data. A connection to the internet is required to adjust the setting.