Hej! Ytterligare ett roligt program vad det ser ut som....

A graphical tool to handle several common dvd-drive firmware
tasks. (yep, another one !)

It is kinda annoying having going to MS-DOS to do firmcrypt
(encrypt or decrypt) operations, or having to open the file with
an hexeditor to know if it is crypted or not, or to copy-paste
the keys.

Dont get me wrong, I don't have anything against KDX and other
tools, it is just that I built mine fitting my own needs and
I want to share.

- Do common firmware tasks with a mouse click
- Supports Samsung and Hitachi firmwares All Versions
- Shows Vendor, ROM version and also if its CRYPTED or NOT
- Allow crypt or decrypt the files
- Shows the 16 byte Keys not matter if the file is Crypted
- Allow copy-paste of the keys between firmare not matter if
they are crypted or not or if they are different vendor
- Allows adding of TAGS to a KEY like Owner, Serial No, Date.
(Dont worry, the tags are not saved onto firmware file)
- Fully Integrated with Windows Context Menu (like winrar)
- Fully Supports 512 KB firmwares (2 banks)

- Unzip contents on the folder you like
- Open application and go to Options->Enable Windows Context Menu
- Close application

- To open a file you can just on Windows Explorer do Right Click and
choose "Open with Firmware Toolbox", or you can first launch the
application and do File-Open menu or simply drag a file from your
browser to the application.

- To encrypt or decrypt a file just open it as above and click the
button encrypt or decrypt.

- To replace a key just type it or copy-paste it into the key
textbox and click on "Replace Key"

- To set or replace Tag Data just type it into the Tag Data Section
"Save Tag Data". This Tag Data will be show every time you open
a file that have the same key. Useful to identify an Owner's Key