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Diskussion: Ps2 sida

  1. #1
    Dec 2001

    Lightbulb Ps2 sida

    Har knåpat ihop en egen ps2 sida,
    gör ett besök!

    / Här länkat till psxcare Hansi.
    Länka tillbaka till mig på er sida är du shyyyst

    [This message has been edited by EvilBoY (edited 22 January 2002).]

  2. #2
    Aug 2000
    Stockholm, Sweden
    22 483


    Ta bort dina länkar till da-vadhannuhette, det är bara skit där...
    Läs forumets avdelning för Vanliga Frågor Och Svar, XBOX Guider eller prova forumets SÖKFUNKTION - Dina vänner här i forumet orkar kanske inte formulera ännu ett svar på en fråga som redan är avhandlad flera gånger tidigare. Titta hur många inlägg jag skrivit - försök hitta på en fråga jag inte svarat på redan...

  3. #3
    Dec 2000
    2 386


    Jag har mailt honom om hans DivX spelare och han sa...

    From: "Da Expert" <
    To: <ktd>
    Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 1:53 PM
    Subject: Re: DivX on Ps2

    LOL thanks for your support Still want to mirror my files ?

    Na that site is a copy-kat, Im still the original Even his e-mail:
    DaVideo (da-expert copy). No idea who he is or why he is doing it. Yep
    is a FAKE, Divix on PS2 can't be done do to the format & BIOS.
    A bootcd for PS2 is also impossible (don't be fooled!)

    I do this for many reasons, I started da-expert about a year ago when PS2
    first came out and there was no modchip. Everyone wanted a bootcd (perfect

    The idea actually came from a warez lame site who made a FAKE ISO (bootcd)
    for PS2, I'm sure you remember that.

    It started on one of the biggest forums and I did so
    well, I moved to SPAMMING every forum I could find.

    I was even listed in and

    Because I was/am in the scene I knew all the forums & sites (easy promotion)
    and being an experinced gamer I could pull this off. Obviously NOT anyone
    can pull this off = give me some credit here !

    Making a FAKE site and FAKE programs isn't as easy as people assume, you
    need to make it sound real. But it's simple to understand that the majority
    of the ppl who fall for this have little or no knowledge so you CAN simply

    It is TRUE the PSX/PS2 boot sectors are 0-15 (16 sectors) but it is FALSE
    that you can copy them.

    ABUSE - being nice and helping 'gamers' full of ABUSE, I would say you
    understand. You have been a gamer a long time and I am sure you helped
    people, you seem like the type.

    Then you cab relate to this:

    Q - HELP !!! How can I copy a PSX game so it is bootable ?

    AN - You can't do it.

    Q - I know you can, I have seen it done. Can someone PLEASE tell me ??

    Bullshit like that and the abuse towards groups like B.A.D, Paradox and
    many others. Constant FLAMES "the patch doesn't work !!!" B.A.D. got jail
    time and abuse = nice reward !!!

    So the ABUSE ppl give is yet another reason.

    BANNERS/MONEY - I did it for jokes, kicks and a GOOD laugh but when i saw
    how many HITS and DOWNLOADS I was getting I figured what better way than
    to do what I do + make some cash

    Most of the lamers that e-mail me and I tell them get pissed, that tells
    me I am doing my job! 95% of the ppl who fall for this are assholes anyway
    (i.e. they are NOT plesant people).

    You seem cool, there are exceptions. Sorry if I caused you any trouble and
    I hope you understand the many reasons why I do da-expert.

    You may pass/post this e-mail as you wish I don't care. I have admitted
    what I do many times but ppl seem to forget or they just agree that id people
    are LAME enough to belive this then they deserve a coaster or two

    [This message has been edited by ktd (edited 23 January 2002).]

  4. #4
    Dec 2001


    har tagit bort länken till da-experts .
    Och har uppdaterat hemsidan mycket,

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