This Guide is for the FAT PSP - The old ones

First off all we start with cutting a Test PCB circuitboard up, just mark up with a pen where you want the lines and cut in each end like this and bend it untill it snaps in two.

Now we just decide how to connect the cables to the PCB and yhis is the layout i went with, this way just to be on tah safe side i cant short + and - :)

After that is settled we solder on some wires, note that the second USB male is Optional just if you want to power up your PSP and GPS so it will charge when driving. And the USB Female can be switched for a Mini-USB Male cable if you want to skip the Charging feature for both PSP + GPS unit.

After the USB cables are soldered to place we solder on the Remote cables as following.

Now its time to solder a Resistor to the PCB just in case the unit sends some extra current, this is a precaution and some people dont use a resistor but better to be safe than sorry and ending up with a broken PSP eeh. :thumbup: Note that the value on the Resistor may vary depending on what cables and the lenght of it, its natural for cables to act as a resistor so feel free to experiment with the values.
a value of 1K ohm seems to do the trick for most users.

This step is only a extra feature to my cable, it will light up a LED when the cable is powered by and external source and show that it has current running trough, and also show when the cable is able to charge both PSP and GPS unit :)