#Stealth360 mkt snack där nu ang. bad-crc etc. de försöker också sammanställa och rätta till xdvdmulleter databasen och verifiera den nu.
#fw snackas det också mkt i men större delen av folket där snackar mycket annan skit, mkt spam osv.
mkt teorier som sagt, inget konkret, det lutar dock mot dåliga backups. hm.
[2007-11-21 06:17:51] <c4eva> new live log uploaded to
http://www.xbins.org/xblive no indication of any new checks , all same as before
[2007-11-21 06:20:23] <c4eva> it is pointing to backups that are not the same as retail
[2007-11-21 06:23:39] <c4eva> fw is doing its job, it cant check everything or know if the game has bad/different data
[2007-11-21 06:24:57] <c4eva> anything that has different pfi/dmi data but still valid would be suspect
[2007-11-21 06:26:14] <c4eva> these scene releases need to be validated against a known retail copy
[2007-11-21 06:28:20] <c4eva> fw is not been detected, it is the discs, as before
[2007-11-21 06:31:31] <c4eva> game can be stealthed , but have slight data change somewhere, especially DMI, or early copies may be marked, hence check against know retail copy