hittade lite nyttig info från gänget på xbox-scene.. handlar om kreon, bans, timings, offline spel.. etc. etc.
orkar tyvärr inte översätta men dessa stycken täcker en del intressanta saker som folk funderar över här.. mycket att läsa.. det bjuder jag på![]()
source: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.p...post&p=4173805I wish people would drop this whole waves issue.
Logic is simple in my opinion. Bannings started last May. Since then this issue has kept happening. With todays fw and usually stealth images it's being the Jitter that is mainly getting people.
Simple fact no bannings before May. M$ introduce jitter. xtreme 5.3 released but jitter not perfect. kreon also had jitter and lots of images in the wild weren't stealth anyway.
Bannings in May. Lots of users scared. Ixtreme fw is released. We pretty much lock down most of security no more mass bans. M$ change something on later discs (timing change). More bannings, now you see the logic?
Jitter = bans.
Change of C/R range = bans.
Ixtreme and Kreon did not account for changes, although kreon rips currently are within acceptable ranges as below.
With the fw not correctly wrapping this could produce 360 instead of 0>359.
For those saying why can Microsoft not produce a game with 360 accepted. well its Hexadecimal so the range is 0>359 so it is 360 ranges but always start from 0.
Obviously if anyone is using older firmwares you can be banned anyway but I do believe Microsoft don't always ban based on one check alone. Say wrong stealth + jitter more likely. But obviously 1 or the other done repeatably can cause a ban (data is requested multiple times anyway).
You also have to think clearly. Live is a very big network. There are multiple live servers not just one.
Say your flagged, now your connected to one server you get disconnected, you may get back on. There are networks that work the same way across the world. Your console ID would need to be sent around the M$ netwrok to each live server to add you to the blacklisted group. So when your Xbox tries to do the handshake live says no.
This takes time, could be hours/days/weeks. Remember if any server is down for maintenence and comes back up you have a chance of that not banning you yet.
Jitter is a lottery, always remember (fixed in 1.4)
Keep your kreon...all that is needed is a new firmware with jitter removed.Iriez, thanks for the clarification. Ok, so it seems like i have a couple of choices in order to use a samsung drive for backups.
1) would be to reflash my current drive everytime to an old firmware and then use the 0800 disc. I can do this flashing with the new blaster360 i ordered instead of cracking everything open again and again.
2) i am assuming i can purchase either a new or remanufactured ms25 or ms28 drive and use that drive only for ripping ( just like the kreon drive that i have was originally).
I have a question about option 2. My pc does not have any SATA power cables in it. I do have a SATA Via for the drive, however i have to always use the 360 for power. What types of options would i have to power this drive?
EDIT: looks like i can use (with XBOX 360 Connectivity Kit v2) to do this..
I will have the blaster unless i cancel the order seeing as i might not need that anymore? I cant imagine that people choose option 1 very often, as multiple reflashes can eventually lead to breaking the drive at some point - or at least increase the chances.
I would like everyone to please note this post. It is well within reason to answer any of the questions related to this topic.Way to discredit my technical abilities. I have been working with computers for nearly 15 years now. I think that constitutes enough knowledge to make comments on speed.
You are correct as in not every piece of information is read at 12x from the DVD, however the drive constantly spins up to 12x when it is completely unnecessary. Some games may need 12x (not conclusive) like Mass Effect constant streaming, you may get the odd issue in Oblivion with bad media. However the effect on load times is not significant enough to damage. It will reduce the load on the 360 drive overall and heat generating, including a reduction of dB.
Trust me having a turbo jet in the 360 is not essential to it's perfect operation.
This is also exactly what i was referring to earlier about the HD not changing. I apologize for not going into detail as feflicker has, and thank you feflicker for the explanationMS$ IS NOT storing information on the hard drive when you play backups off-line. This has been PROVEN. People have imaged their drives, played backup copies offline, then imaged the drive again. Next they did a "diff" to find out what changed. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING changed in respect to reporting the backup! This has been tested since day 1 of the firmware hack, by multiple parties, and is part of the "let's see what MS$ is doing" check that the f/w hackers perform each time MS$ drops the ban hammer...
Wasting time spreading fear about playing backups offline is pointless!
For the last time, the real problem is the definition of the word "offline". Some people, mainly n00bs, think they are "offline" if the game doesn't support Live, or they don't click the "Live" menu option in the game. In fact, you are only truly "offline" if you unplug your ethernet cable!Most of the posting time i get in the morning is 10 minutes while im taking a crap before work. Which usually allows me to skim the thread and nothing more
Yes, this is true. We have known this is true. We at first thought kreon might be 'bad' but since then we have only realized that the hardcoded timing replies that the kreon firmware 'emulates' is more suspectable to give back 6701, which, with ixtreme 1.3 or previous can give you 360 degree's.<FFA77> hey so im goign to replace my kreon, so just need to get a ms28 and the connectivity kit and i shoudl good to go?
<M0mD4d> yes
<FFA77> thx
<M0mD4d> but kreon isn't bad... the whole 6701 thing was debunked yesterday
<M0mD4d> and we're all regretting that the news about that theory got out public in the first place
<FFA77> oh REALLY?
<FFA77> got a link?
<M0mD4d> 360 samsung drive was also found to return that same value on some of the newer games
<M0mD4d> and a LOT of testing since then
<M0mD4d> no link, this is all just internal testing amongst a group of us
<M0mD4d> so I wouldn't go trashing your kreon in favour of a ms25/28 just yet
<FFA77> oh, so then nobody knows the problem then?
<M0mD4d> right
<M0mD4d> still 100% uncertain
<M0mD4d> which sucks, but at least the kreon 67 was ruled out
<M0mD4d> we're still waiting for a new kreon fw with his jitter removed so that we can do more tests/comparisons
<M0mD4d> but so far, kreon returns values that are all within acceptable range
<M0mD4d> it's highly possible that the bans were because of the fw
<M0mD4d> and not wrapping that 360 value back to 0
<FFA77> oh, then why was it that the kreon drive returning higher angle numbers?
<M0mD4d> it's returning values with much more variance because kreon hardcoded them in the fw and then does his own jitter on it
<M0mD4d> we're not 100% sure why he hardcoded the values (it may be either he couldn' figure out how to get them properly or was just easier to hardcode or it may even be a hardware limitation with the kreon drives
<M0mD4d> but even still, the values are all within range
<FFA77> i thought the newer games had more variance or soemhting
<M0mD4d> it was Xtreme and <1.4 iXtreme's bug that was jittering the 6701->6801 (359->360)
<M0mD4d> and that jitter +1 only happens sometimes... which makes it possible that why some people got banned, while others that played the same game didn't
<M0mD4d> c4eva thought that the 67 wasn't returned at all for new games
<M0mD4d> but that was before 10000's of SS extractions/tests
<M0mD4d> and finding that the 360 sam also does
<M0mD4d> though less frequently
<M0mD4d> it was irresponsible that the news was even let out before real tests were done
<FFA77> oh ok -- what happened to the bad game image theory though, why the switch to this Kreon stuff now
<M0mD4d> because everyone of course got into a panic and blaming and wanting to toss their kreon's etc
<M0mD4d> the bad game data crc you mean?
<FFA77> yeah
<M0mD4d> it's still a possibility
<M0mD4d> but then again, a lot of people are still playing the ones that are bad and not banned
<M0mD4d> the 6801(360) thing being intermittent seems much more likely
<M0mD4d> and even that's still just an idea
<M0mD4d> it's just a mess right now to be honest
<M0mD4d> lots of theories and no solid proof :S
im confused
Now, given that, at its current state kreon is STILL much less accurate at extracting the SS with proper timings. The samsung has a 0.1% chance at ripping a 6701 (yes, thats a real statistic). The kreon has about a 40-60% chance of returning 6701. So, short story, stick with samsung until kreon can fix itWe still have to think about the thousands of pepole running > 1.4 ixtreme.
source: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.p...post&p=4173900
Yes, this is entirely burner/media/lens related. A pioneer with verbatim works MUCH better.Iriez? You got any good advice to my previous post?? The one before youre last post?! Would be appreciated!
I burned Call Of Duty 4 on a Samsung W163A Burner and the game worked flawlessly on both my Hitachi 360 and my Elite with BenQ with ix 1.1 x5 speed? But I now have a Pioneer 212 burner, do you think if I burned Cod4 again with the Pioneer burner the game would work better and stop giving me the "Clean Disk With Cloth" message on x8 ix 1.4?? Hope you understand me? Thx.
Ps. Its such a job for me to flash, I dont have enough pci slots so I need to remove my X-FI so I can fit the Via Pci card, and so on. So I would really be happy If I wouldnt have to flash again?!
source: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.p...post&p=4173929