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Diskussion: Splitvid när man kör iXtreme 1.4?

  1. #1
    Feb 2008

    Question Splitvid när man kör iXtreme 1.4?

    Splitvid-patcha isos i xbox backup creator, är det något man behöver / BÖR göra om man kör ixtreme 1.4 eller är det helt garanterat meningslös tid eftersom ixtreme ska göra det "on-the-fly" vad jag förstått, ökar det inte säkerheten något alls?

    *max security*


  2. #2
    Feb 2008
    update: läste en post på xbox scene där någon antyder att partitionsstorleken ökar istället vilket iaf jag tolkade som kudne bli negativt ist vad gäller att köra så stealth som möjligt, fan hur ska man göra, hur gör ni?

  3. #3
    Feb 2008
    Detta är svaret på den frågan, kan ju alltid dela med mig :P

    SPLITVID Explained @ starting with XBC 2.6/Schtrom 3.3

    Video Partition
    On your original disc you have a small dvd partition that will show the famous message 'to play this disc put it in a Xbox 360'. It is what you will see if you put a game in your PC or if you have the wrong key in your modded X360. That small partition on an original disc is in fact divided between layer 0 and layer 1 of the dual layer disc.

    Before Splitvid: Splitvid is in fact an adapted version of the traditional Xtreme format used up to XBC 2.6/Schtrom 3.3. The traditional Xtreme format backup have both part of the video partition on layer 0. Current hacked firmware will manage the request for the video partition sector of layer 1 such that they appear as being in their right place even if in fact recovered from layer 0 (thks to C4Eva). As a result, if the disk is queried for the various sectors, they appear at their proper place.

    Splitvid: The new splitvid format respects the format of an original disc by having the video partition on layer 1 as per the original. It also maintain a copy of the layer 1 video partition on layer 0 such that it respect the traditional Xtreme format. Both format are included so you lose nothing by using it.

    Current Hacked Firmware: None of the hacked firmware (including iXtreme 1.2) currently used the splitvid format so it is not required at this point. When queried for the sectors of layer 1, the firmware gets it on layer 0 thus making it transparent outside the DVD drive where the sector really is.

    About The Future: No speculation plse, will the firmware eventually use the video partition from layer 1 as per original disc ? no way to know!!! Since the remapping of the sectors makes this transparent it does not seem to make a big difference. It does not hurt to have the splitvid in your backups if it ever gets implemented in the firmware then you will be ready (remember everyone currently redoing their backup with stealth wink.gif )

    Detection: Now as per the pinned topics, no one knows what MS will next try or can detect or not.
    This thread is not to be turned into a speculation debate as it happened on this subject previously (i'll be watching biggrin.gif )

  4. #4
    Oct 2007
    4 446
    ok.. som jag fattade det, så spelar det ingen roll.. blir det sådana checkar så kommer det antagligen en ixtreme som emulerar detta. well.. låter bra

  5. #5
    Feb 2008
    Ja troligen, men om det ändå inte är något besvär att fixa ens filer så kan man ju lika gärna göra det for some "extra piece of mind" :P

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