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Hur fungerar riktigt Pandoras batteri??? Är det nån som kan förklara??? Var inte rädd att använda facktermer ...
Sonys Servicebatteri ser ut såhär:

En display o lite knappar som triggar olika lägen 
Inget folk som inte jobbar på Sonys serviceverkstad får tillgång till *Mutter*
Sony PSP unbricker "Sony JigKick" finally has a face!
More info about the unbricker:
There was a PSP that Sony unbricked that was sent back to the owner with a memory stick inside.
The memory stick contained these items:
- Binary encrypted full NAND image.
- Required modules for system control for use by IPL of debug hardware.
- Logging module for debug log review (log is saved after full write).
- A file used for testing that the system plays well (usually a demo of a PSP game).
This memory stick supposedly unbricks any PSP.
But, you need a special battery in the PSP to load the files.
This battery is know as the "Sony JigKick".
It sends data through through the 3rd. battery pin that enables writing to the IPL from the memory stick.
Here are the battery specs:
- 1.1v-3.5v debug unit for connecting through the serial port in 3rd. battery pin.
- Transmission of data is UNENCRYPTED but uses a XOR algorithm for transmission (easily parsed and analyzed).
- Contains any number of IPLs (different ones for each motherboard revision (TA-XXX))
- IPL is loaded into the Kernel Memory. ME area seems most likely (IPL of the PSP is the same but missing 2 essential modules that the debug unit has).
- Contains ipl_mg_modules.bin and ipl_mg_nanddriver.bin
- IPL is encrypted in 3 stages. Easily decrypted to show stages, but not for decrypt each individual stage.
- Contains a 40x120 column TFT screen for display.
- Has a SERIAL port for PC connectivity.
- Seems to have a 32MB ROM IMAGE on Flash.
- 8MB of RAM.
- Nickel-Cadmium Battery Cell (possibly 76 hour battery life).
- AC/DC adapter port 15V.
- Contains 4 buttons (on/off, reset, connect/disconnect, menu).
- Arrow keys UP and DOWN for menu.

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Nu kom det lite matnyttig info på psxcare ju
Tror dock inte vi ska röra till det för mycket. Räcker att ta bort ett ben på batteriet. Finns de som säger att det kan få konsekvenser på längre tid, dock inget jag erfarat.
Ska man bygla krävs ju mer material och då snackar vi inte 0kr längre

Bygla kräver bara en liten tråd mellan två punkter som är elektriskt ledande, strippa en flatkabel från din dator, gamla hörlurar, något annat elektriskt hemma
t.om ett GEM kan användas så länge det inte kortsluter annat.
Vi pratar om en bit wire som är max 2.cm lång