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Microsoft_Xbox_360_Ping_17_Test_Disc_READNFO_XBOX3 60-iND


från NFO
Microsoft_Xbox_360_Ping_17_Test_Disc_READNFO_XBOX3 60-iND
__________________________________________________ __________________ _ _

˘ReleaseDate..... 2008-04-17 Format..... ISO
˘Filename........ ind-ping.rxx Region..... REGION FREE
˘Supplemental.... ind-ping-1st_wave.rar Source..... DVD9
˘RarCount........ 73x100MB Supplier... Zellcorp

__________________________________________________ __________________ _ _

"Ping 17 Test Media" is a confidential internal Microsoft utility
disc which was left inside an Xbox 360 when it was sent back to a
customer after RRoD repair.

Please note that this disc will not run on iXtreme firmware as-is.
It's an exception to the SS authoring date rule and has 2nd wave
PFI/Video when iXtreme expects it to have the 1st wave versions.
This is the same reason why backups of DDR Universe (the only
other known exception to the rule) will not run on iXtreme.

If you want this disc to run on iXtreme you will need to patch the
iso with PFI_739CEAB3.bin and Video_66D0CB54.iso from the included
ind-ping-1st_wave.rar, but note that this is not the proper
PFI/Video for this disc and you should use it at your own risk.

Also, be aware that this disc will attempt an internet connection
to LIVE/MS, and will halt if it can't connect. Use at own risk!

its runs 1 level of PGR race all NSX cars going very fast, infact it makes the system lag seems to push it beyond its capabilites.

most of the time the test hangs the machine ive tried it on 3 seperate systems the only one it did 4 laps on was a system connected to a lan cable must be doing some sort of network test.
lol... i just started working for microsoft about a month ago.....that's one of our media/network test discs... used for media test after media repair, also used for network checks... also after repair...

and yes it will run your systen to the further most of it's capabilities... long story short the disk is designed to run a media and network test while making the consol run extra fast in order to properly simulate the constant and consistant use of the xbox 360...

they were testing if your media and network connects would work under the conditions and heat of an xbox 360 that was being used for about 4-6 hours straight...

just to make sure it wouldn't crap out on you again after a few hours of play time... makes sense...
perfekt för er med egenlagade rrod eller xclamps och som vill testa era boxar... ta det försiktigt bara

ni som testar den kan lämna info i denna tråden...