General Information
Type.................: Game Patches Part 2, includes NXE
Platform.............: Xbox 360
Compression Format...: RAR
Title Updates includes many gameplay tweaks they are essentially patches, We
have put these together so you can enjoy full patched games whether you are
banned from Xbox Live or simply dont have an internet connection.Title updates
consist of improvements and bug-fixes to specific Xbox 360 games.
The game then loads the update the next time you play. This allows game
developers to continually improve their products, and all you have to do is dive
in and lose yourself in the ever-improving action.
Install Notes
Simply use Xplorer 360 to inject the title update files in Partition3/Cache/ and
the game will autoload them!
for those that just want everything, they are all in the -=Unsorted=- folder for
easy drag/drop