Original inlägg av
Ok, tack, ska prova mig fram lite.
Måste man köra --fixangle359 om man har iextrme 1.5?
nej, men varför inte göra spelen säkra för tidigare firmware när man ändå kollar det?

Original inlägg av
Sen undrar jag även vilken version som är den senaste?
Är det 0.9.4 eller har det kommit nån mer efter det?
det är senaste, men tänk på att du måste uppdatera ini filen. den finns att ladda hem i livesäkerhetstråden, första inlägget.

Original inlägg av
Nån som har lust att förklara vad alla kommandona gör?
Eller länka till någon ABGX manual? Hittar inget där heller, inte om Linux CLI versionen iaf.
--gamecrc = alltid kolla game partitionen så den är okej, onödig option då den kollas automatisk när det behövs.
-ct = t är terminalfont, c är att den kollar game data korruption, också onödig eftersom denna körs automatisk.
-ct behöver du alltså inte, -t om du vill ha terminalfont på texten
-- onlinefirst = kolla alltid onlinedatabasen före lokal stealthkatalog
-- splitvid = sätt in extra video partition, dvs splitvid. onödig eftersom ixtreme fixar detta och kommer förmodigen aldrig ha någon nytta av den.
Usage: abgx360.exe [options] <input file(s)>
<input file(s)> can be Xbox 360 ISOs or SS/Stealth files - abgx360 will
recognize them automatically and only process the appropriate options.
Short options can be combined into one argument (Ex: "abgx360.exe -vtw IMAGE.000
-- this is a special option that needs to come after
[options] but before <input file(s)> if any filenames
begin with a hyphen
-v, --verbose high verbosity
-n, --noverbose no verbosity
-t, --terminal use Terminal font characters
-c, --corrupt check for possible game data corruption
-h, --html output html (Ex: "abgx360.exe -vhu IMAGE.000 > IMAGE.html"
Note: do not combine this with -t since there is
apparently no web browser in existence that will display
all Terminal font characters properly
--showfiles display iso filesystem
-p, --nopadding don't check random padding or fix zero padding if invalid
-s, --stripcolors strips colors
-d, --nodvdcheck don't check for/create valid .dvd file
-r, --regioncheck check the region code only (no stealth check)
--noverify don't attempt to verify against the verified database
(local or online) if stealth passes
--noupdate don't check for updates
-o, --stayoffline disable all online functions and prevent AutoFix/Verify
from looking in the online database for verified files
-w, --nowrite disable all writes to the input file (for when you just
want to check a file without modifying it)
Game Partition CRC (default behavior is to check it only when needed):
--gamecrc always check it
-g, --nogamecrc never check it
AutoFix Threshold (use only one option, higher levels include lower ones):
-a, --af3, --autofixalways level 3: AutoFix if stealth passes but fails
[default threshold] level 2: AutoFix if stealth is uncertain and
fails verification
--af1, --autofixfailed level 1: AutoFix only if stealth fails
-f, --af0, --noautofix level 0: Do not AutoFix
Where should AutoFix look for verified files:
[default setting] check the local folder first, then the online
database if not found
--onlinefirst check the online database first, then the local
folder if not found (video files will still be
looked for locally first)
--onlineonly check the online database only (video files will
still be looked for locally first)
--localonly check the local folder only
Rebuilding Method (choose the method for rebuilding an ISO if it's missing
space for a video partition):
[default method] requires 7 - 7.5 GB free space on the partition
your ISO is located
-l, --rebuildlowspace only requires 253 MB free space but will corrupt
your ISO if it fails or is aborted during the
rebuilding process
-b, --norebuild don't rebuild
-k, --keeporiginaliso don't delete the original ISO after rebuilding
(applies to the default method only)
Manually patch or extract files:
--p-video <file> patch video from <file>
--p-pfi <file> patch PFI from <file>
--p-dmi <file> patch DMI from <file>
--p-ss <file> patch SS from <file>
--patchitanyway patch files even if stealth passes (default
behavior is to patch only if stealth fails
and isn't AutoFixed, or stealth is uncertain
and isn't verified/AutoFixed)
--patchgarbage don't check to see if stealth files are valid
for the game before patching them
--e-video <file> extract video to <file>
--e-videopartition <file> extract entire video partition (253 MB) to
--e-pfi <file> extract PFI to <file>
--e-dmi <file> extract DMI to <file>
--e-ss <file> extract SS to <file>
--nofixdrt don't fix C/R table if data is invalid
--dev <deviation> fix angles that deviate more than <deviation>
degrees from their CCRT targets (default=3)
--nofixdev don't fix any deviating angles
--fixangle359 change any 359 degree angles to 0 for compatibility
with iXtreme versions previous to v1.4
--myregion <code> tell abgx360 your console's region so it can display
your game's region code in the appropriate color.
use multiple regions if you have multiple consoles.
Ex codes: 000000FF (NTSC/U), 00FE0000 (PAL Europe),
00FE01FF (PAL Europe, NTSC/J Japan and NTSC/U)
--splitvid add SplitVid if it doesn't exist or isn't valid
--removesplitvid remove SplitVid if it exists
--truncate <size> truncate or extend input file to <size> bytes
be very careful with this!
--retries <number> change the number of retries before a read/write
error is considered unrecoverable (default=20)
--nettimeout <secs> change the connection timeout to <secs> seconds
(default=20; 0=use the system's internal timeout)
--dvdtimeout <secs> change the timeout for DVD Drive I/O requests to
<secs> seconds (default=20)
--help display this message (or just use "abgx360.exe" with