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freeBOOT v0.02 - runs unsigned XEX and more! Homebrew XDK!
Youtube video-freeBOOT v0.02
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[v0.02 - coded by ikari]
I. Introduction
freeBOOT is a rebooter for the Microsoft Xbox 360. This version of freeBOOT
allows you to reboot into kernel 2.0.8955 on all Xenon, Zephyr, Falcon, and
Jasper consoles with 16MB flashes, which are vulnerable to the JTAG hack.
Support for Opus and Jasper consoles with larger flashes will follow soon.
As freeBOOT needs a second flash memory to store kernel 2.0.8955 and
associated data, either a Cygnos360 or an xD card mod is required at the
II. Bug Fixes
- Harddisk installation and save game/profile issues have been fixed
III. New Features
- updated to kernel 8955
- additional support for Zephyr and Jasper consoles with 16MB flashes
- support for xD card mod and Cygnos360 V1 added
- Harddisk authentication disabled
The Xbox 360 will now accept any SATA harddisk.
- removed XEX signature checks
Execution of unsigned devkit and retail XEXes is now possible. Encrypted
devkit XEXes must be decrypted with XexTool prior to use.
- removed LIVE/PIRS signature checks
The dashboard will now run applications from unsigned LIVE/PIRS
- extendable patch system
Researchers/hackers can now try new patches easily. Please refer to
"src\patches_kernel_8955.S" for more information.
IV. Instructions
Read these instructions carefully and follow them exactly. Failing to do so
may render your Xbox 360 unusable!
1. Extract the contents of this archive to a directory of your choice. All
file and directory names in the proceeding steps will be given relative
to that directory.
2. Update your Xbox 360 to kernel 2.0.7371 (Fall 08 Update). If your Xbox 360
has already been updated to a newer kernel, you can proceed to the next
step. The update process will not succeed with resistor R6T3 desoldered.
Resolder resistor R6T3 in that case before starting the update process.
*** Make sure you do *NOT* update to kernel 2.0.8xxx, since this will ***
*** fix the JTAG hack vulnerability. Check the update before! ***
3. *************************************************************************
*** If present, desolder resistor R6T3 to prevent any accidentally ***
*** applied update fixing the JTAG hack vulnerability. ***
4. Save an image of your flash memory to the file "bin\7371.bin".
5. In case you don't already know your Xbox 360's CPU key, retrieve it now.
There are various ways to accomplish this, but they will not be covered
6. Extract the contents of your "bin\7371.bin" image with ibuild now. Launch
ibuild with the following parameters:
> ibuild x -d data\ -b <1BL key> -p <CPU key> bin\7371.bin
Replace <1BL key> with the 1BL key and <CPU key> with the CPU key matching
your "bin/7371.bin" image. Enter both 16 byte keys as hexadecimal numbers
without leading "0x". Data previously extracted with 360 Flash Tool can
no longer be used.
7. Delete all files from the "data" directory except:
- crl.bin
- crl.bin.meta
- extended.bin
- extended.bin.meta
- kv.bin
- odd.bin
- odd.bin.meta
- secdata.bin
- secdata.bin.meta
- smc.bin
- smc_config.bin
8. The remaining files necessary to build an image with kernel 2.0.8955 must
be extracted from an image of an updated Xbox 360, further on referred to
as "bin\other8955.bin". Please do *NOT* update your Xbox 360 to kernel
2.0.8955, otherwise you will loose the ability to run the JTAG hack and
Launch ibuild with the following parameters:
> ibuild x -d tmp\ -b <1BL key> -p <CPU key> bin\other8955.bin
Replace <1BL key> with the 1BL key and <CPU key> with the CPU key matching
the "bin/other8955.bin" image.
9. Copy the following files from the "tmp" to the "data" directory:
- aac.xexp[1,2]
- aac.xexp[1,2].meta
- bootanim.xex
- bootanim.xex.meta
- bootanim.xexp[1,2]
- bootanim.xexp[1,2].meta
- cb_[1940, 4579, 5771, 6750].bin
- cd_8453.bin
- ce_1888.bin
- cf_8498.bin
- cg_8498.bin
- createprofile.xex
- createprofile.xex.meta
- createprofile.xexp[1,2]
- createprofile.xexp[1,2].meta
- dash.xex
- dash.xex.meta
- deviceselector.xex
- deviceselector.xex.meta
- deviceselector.xexp[1,2]
- deviceselector.xexp[1,2].meta
- gamerprofile.xex
- gamerprofile.xex.meta
- gamerprofile.xexp[1,2]
- gamerprofile.xexp[1,2].meta
- hud.xex
- hud.xex.meta
- hud.xexp[1,2]
- hud.xexp[1,2].meta
- huduiskin.xex
- huduiskin.xex.meta
- mfgbootlauncher.xex
- mfgbootlauncher.xex.meta
- mfgbootlauncher.xexp[1,2]
- mfgbootlauncher.xexp[1,2].meta
- minimediaplayer.xex
- minimediaplayer.xex.meta
- minimediaplayer.xexp[1,2]
- minimediaplayer.xexp[1,2].meta
- nomni.xexp1
- nomni.xexp1.meta
- nomnifwm.xexp1
- nomnifwm.xexp1.meta
- signin.xex
- signin.xex.meta
- signin.xexp[1,2]
- signin.xexp[1,2].meta
- updater.xex
- updater.xex.meta
- updater.xexp[1,2]
- updater.xexp[1,2].meta
- vk.xex
- vk.xex.meta
- vk.xexp[1,2]
- vk.xexp[1,2].meta
- xam.xex
- xam.xex.meta
- xam.xexp[1,2]
- xam.xexp[1,2].meta
- xenonclatin.xtt
- xenonclatin.xtt.meta
- xenonclatin.xttp[1,2]
- xenonclatin.xttp[1,2].meta
- xenonjklatin.xtt
- xenonjklatin.xtt.meta
- xenonjklatin.xttp[1,2]
- xenonjklatin.xttp[1,2].meta
- ximecore.xex
- ximecore.xex.meta
- ximedic.xex
- ximedic.xex.meta
- ximedic.xexp[1,2]
- ximedic.xexp[1,2].meta
"[A, B]" means the file name contains either "A" or "B" at that position.
10. Now you can build your kernel 2.0.8955 image with ibuild. To do so,
launch ibuild with the following parameters:
> ibuild c -c <console> -d data/ -b <1BL key> -p <CPU key>
./bin/my8955.bin ./bin/fuses.bin
Replace <1BL key> with the 1BL key and <CPU key> with the CPU key
matching your "bin/7371.bin" image. Since ibuild currently does neither
support Opus consoles nor Jasper consoles with large flashes, valid
parameters for <console> at the moment are "xenon", "zephyr", "falcon",
and "jasper". When ibuild completes successfully, you will find two new
files in the "bin" directory. The file "bin\my8955.bin" contains your
newly built kernel 2.0.8955 image, that will be booted by freeBOOT. The
file "bin\fuses.bin" contains the virtual fuse settings used by freeBOOT.
11. In order to build the freeBOOT image, Python is needed. If you already
have Python installed, you can proceed to step 12.
The easiest way to run Python scripts under Windows is to install Cygwin.
You can download the Cygwin setup from here:
Install Cygwin to any directory of your choice along with the these
- python
- python-crypto
12. Open "build.py" with a text editor and look for these two lines:
# you need to fill in this
secret_1BL = None
Replace "None" with the 1BL key. This example shows you the format
in which the key has to be entered. The key itself is wrong.
secret_1BL = "\x01\x0F\x0E\x0C\x0E\xD6\x69\xE7\xB5\x67\x94\xFB\x68\x56\x3E\xFA"
13. The freeBOOT image can now be built. Open a Cygwin shell and change to the
directory where you extracted the contents of this archive into. Launch
the Python build script with the following parameters:
> python build.py bin/<console>_hack.bin smc.bin
The "bin\<console>_hack.bin" image is a standard JTAG hack image and can
be found at the usual places. The "smc.bin" is a patched SMC generated
by the Cygnos toolbox. When the build process finishes successfully, a new
image "bin\hack.bin" can be found.
14. Program "bin\my8955.bin" to the Cygnos360 flash memory and "bin\hack.bin"
to the Xbox 360 flash memory.
15. Power on your Xbox 360. If everything went correctly, you should see the
blue LED light up a few seconds later, followed by the usual boot
animation. If you power on your Xbox 360 with the DVD tray eject button,
XeLL will be loaded instead.
VI. What's Next
- support for Opus consoles and Jasper consoles with large flashes
- further removal of security system restrictions
- easier build process
VII. Credits
My gratitude goes to all those who helped me get this new release done.
ikari, 2009/11/21
Nu finns också Xbreboot v0.05 8955_1 som är i princip samma sak som
freeboot fast man kan lägga in de på xboxens eget nand, dvs du behöver
inte en dual nand lösning på din xboxe (cygnos v1, cygnos v2, xD hack mm)
XBReboot Xenon v0.05 8955_1
>> A new version of XBReboot has been released already with a new patch
(PIRS support) and fixed XeLL.
XBReboot is an image you can flash on your onboard NAND that will allow you
to 'reboot' a JTAG-exploitable 360 in a patched 8955 kernel which makes
homebrew XDK possible (unsigned XEXs etc).
The released image is just for Xenon motherboards, but the readme states it
could easily be made for other 16mb-nand motherboards, so I guess we'll
see support for those soon.
It comes with a readme this time, so we now get some official details:
* XBReboot Block Layout:
Ox00 - 0x2F 4548 boot FW
0x30 - 0x3F Backup Xell
0x40 - 0x4F XBRfw.bin Rebooter core
0x50 - 0xBF Patch.bin Kernel and patches
0xC0 - 0x?? Flash file system
* Version: XBRfw 0.5beta Initial
The fw version need not change for any given Patch.bin
Patch.bin is what needs to change for any new patch
* The following are Patch.bin versions
+8955_0: Initial
Don't need xextool:
automatically detect correct key for dev or retail xex.
Drag and drop any xex to cdr.
No specific secdata.bin or crl.bin requirements.
Add support for PIRS
Fixed Backup Xell
* HowTo:
1) Extract KV and Config blocks from orig.bin
nandpro orig.bin: -r16 rawkv.bin 1 1
nandpro orig.bin: -r16 rawconfig.bin 3de 2
2) Inject those blocks into XBR.bin
nandpro XBR.bin: -w16 rawkv.bin 1 1
nandpro XBR.bin: -w16 rawconfig.bin 3de 2
3) Flash result
nandpro lpt: -w16 XBR.bin
* Notes:
There is no need to unpack and repack pirs files! This is a limitation of
freeboot. Not XBR. Aside from that major difference, all functionality is the
Individual sections can be updated or extracted separately using nandpro.
The image can be made to work for all 16M consoles.
The standard method of using build.py can be used to change the 4548 boot
FW portion of the flash to the console type.
Create the image as described above.
The command to rebuild it might look like this:
build.py XBR.bin CB CD update.bin xell-1f.bin XBRfw.bin smcp.bin
Then the .ecc file result from build.py would be "flashed" back into the XBR
nandpro XBR.bin: -w16 image_00000000.ecc
XBReboot v0.05 has now also been released for Zephyr, Falcon and
Jasper-16mb motherboards.
*Update* They are all available with the latest 8955_1 patch revision now,
so each 16mb motherboard can now run XBR v0.05 8955_1! Only support for
Jasper 256/512mb motherboards is still missing now.
Don't forget to inject your own KeyVault and Config before flashing ;)
For more info about XBReboot, read our previous news items about the
Xenon releases: XBR Xenon 8955_0 and XBR Xenon 8955_1
XexLoader v0.12, spela spel från intern hdd utan skiva, spela spel från extern hdd mm.
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Presents: XeXLoader
General Information
Type.................: Application
Platform.............: Xbox 360
Part Size............: 1,421,603 bytes (XEX)
Number of Parts......: 3 (XEX, LIVE, ISO)
Compression Format...: RAR
Post Information
Posted by............: FreeXeX
Posted to............: XBINS
Posted on............: 12/5/2009
Release Notes
Introducing the first public and fully functional XEX loader for homebrew-
capable Xbox 360 platforms!
Feature list:
Launch media-patched XEXs from any storage device
Manage the filesystems of all storage devices
Rip any inserted game to any storage device (ISO Extraction) *
* Still requires patching with XexTool to remove media check
Although it should work on all patched kernels, our releases are only tested
with freeBOOT using Cygnos, not with XBRebooter. Sorry for the inconvenience.
A special "fuck you" to CarolinaGamer aka Relapse aka Hawk
Install Notes
Installing the LIVE package:
1) Burned CD/DVD using XeXLoader.iso
Use the file browser to copy (using the "X" button) the directory
"C0DE9999" to the 360 HDD at:
2) Transfer Cable
Use appropriate software to copy the directory "C0DE9999" to 360 HDD at:
Start your patched kernel, and run the game demo listed as "XeXLoader"
Official IRC: #freexex or #freeboot on EFNet
-Update xexloader v0.17! (inte släppt ännu.)
Diagram för jtag och för att kunna läsa ur nandminnet från xboxen genom Lpt(zephyr, falcon, opus och jasper)
Diagram för jtag till xenon (lpt är samma som på de övre diagrammet)http://i.imgur.com/Fdjmi.png
Dioden skall alltid sitta på xbox moderkortet och den svarta ringen ska vara vänd mot xboxens moderkort, n14148 dioder funkade bra för mig.