boight it back in 06, and been in its original package a couple of months since i moved, packed it up for skate 3 demo, and i could not download since nazi MS only gave it to GOLD members, and after a few minutes i got a RROD!, so i checked around and found a page that showed me how to get the error code, and it was 0020 witch was random io error (or something like that), and i tried to just dismantle it and slap it around with a large trout a bit but nothing seems to work, is there something i can do with it now, or is it a somewhat old paperweight ?
annat änn skicka in till psx för 1000:- ?
och efter jag skrev detta så insåg jag att detta är ett svenskt forum :P men efter som jag redan skrivigt det orkar jag inte skriva det på svenska, men ni förstår säkert!