This was released very recently on IRC.
From the Readme:
Patch to add peek and poke syscalls to PS3 firmware 3.55
by flukes1 and netkas ( #ps3test)
To create the patched PS3UPDAT.PUP:
1. Use bspatch to apply PS3UPDAT.PUP.bsdiff to Sony's official 3.55 PUP, which is available from their website.
2. Ensure that the md5sum of the resulting PS3UPDAT.PUP is 337831fac6a9b05074f73710c4bb7c86
Simply install the patched PS3UPDAT.PUP onto your PS3, then install geohot's jailbreak.
Our PUP can be installed over any firmware version, including 3.55-geohot. If you install over 3.55-geohot, you must reinstall geohot's jailbreak afterwards.
For developers: peek is syscall 6, poke is syscall 7 (same as PL3 dev payload)
Props to mastag22, lastExile, Killer_In - our testers with balls of steel.
- flukes1, netkas
All I did was get the 3.55 update, apply the patch, do an md5sum check and uploaded. You'll find the hash matches accordingly, and it'll say the same on the IRC channel mentioned.
You may need to install Geohotz's one on top of this to allow package installation. You may also be able to do the workaround by installing a package in 3.41 with the JB, then using the ftp server to upload a signed eboot.bin, but I didn't try this yet.
And it may be a bit until backup managers are adopted for this. But they will come very soon.
Enjoy, and remember, I'm not responsible if you brick, nor are the authors, etc.
vad säger vi om hejna då?