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Diskussion: JTAG Content Manager

  1. #1
    Jan 2009

    JTAG Content Manager

    Smidigt program för att ha kontroll över JTAG:en via PC.. Klistrar in det jag läst själv så får ni väl översätta med google translate om ni inte fattar engelska ;-)

    JTAG Content Manager 1.0 by xamphear. Send comments and bug reports to:

    What This App Does:
    * Browse 360 files on your PC by their real info, like game name and package

    * Upload files (XBLA, DLC, GOD, Avatar, Title Update) to your console over FTP
    with a single click. Files are automatically uploaded to the right folders.

    * Scan the Content folder on your 360's HDD to a database so that while browsing
    content on your PC you can see if it's already on your 360 or not, even if
    your 360 is off.

    * Drag and drop files to other applications, if you'd prefer to use your own
    FTP client.

    * Restore the original filenames for XBLA and DLC.

    * View the MediaID of Title Updates and GODs so you can match them, and search
    JQE or XBUC for matching TUs.

    * View the MediaID of ISO files. (Requires abgx360 be installed.)

    Please see the About box for credits and thanks. This app owes a lot to other
    more talented 360 hackers.

    **** IMPORTANT NOTES ****
    Not all FTP servers in 360 homebrew packages are created equal! Here's what
    works and what doesn't:
    * xm360: Uploads and Content Scanning (recommended)
    * FSD: Uploads
    * XeXmenu: Neither (not recommended)

    If you get any error messages opening the program, make sure you have both of
    these Microsoft packages installed:
    * .NET 4.0 -
    * MSVCR 10.0 -

    JTAG Content Manager finns hos xbins eller om du är lat här! :-)

    Video demonstration:
    Last edited by efex; 2011-06-01 at 21:48.

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