Den här tråden handlar om mitt egen kodade program/script som heter Swizzy's CMD Freebooter, när det händer något nytt kommer infon att finnas här på svenska, readme filen är på engelska pga internationellt nyttjande av programmet
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Krav - Vad som krävs för att programmet ska fungera i huvudtaget
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- Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 eller senare
- Din CPUKey
- En NAND dump
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Överblick - Vad programmet gör
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- Programmet är till för att skapa Freeboot images och du som användare har möjlighet att ändra hur den ska
se ut i form av att du kan välja om du ska ha Dashlaunch inkluderat eller ej t.ex. och du kan ställa in diverse andra
inställningar också.
- Du kan ställa in egna standard inställningar om du planerar att använda programmet till fler än 1 konsoll, detta görs
i filen config.ini
- Du kan aktivera/avaktivera loggen så att du kan gå tillbaka och se vad du valde för något senast
- Du kan ställa in vad output filen ska heta, det vill säga freeboot.bin
- Programmet har möjligheten att ladda hem rätt systemuppdatering för den freeboot version du valt att bygga.
programmet kan sedan även packa upp och förbereda ett USB minne för att användas till att lägga in avatar stödet!
- Du kan skriva din CPUKey i en fil vid namnet cpukey.txt så slipper du skriva den när programmet väl körs
- Make sure your USB drive is not in use, and if so wait for process
to finnish, if it takes to long forcibly kill it
- Add possibility to automaticly copy all files to use Flash360 to upgrade your
previously hacked console ;)
or xellous (move needed files to usb drive)
- Add ability to check what SMC hack you currently have if doing an upgrade
* 1.2.3 *
-Added: Multilingual support
-Added: Translations into: French and Swedish
-Added: A template with instructions for translators ;)
-Added: Option in config.ini for language called lang, change this to your language and it'll load that
file, if it doesn't exist it'll use hardcoded english ;)
-Added: CB reading support with suggestion of what mobo you should choose
-Fixed: Fatal bug with version 1.2.2 causing random E13/0031 errors on Xenons due to wrong SMC version
* 1.2.2 *
-Fixed: A bug that only effected users that have Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
-Removed: The app no longer renames the fbBuild log as it caused the app to crash for some
systems, looking for a way to get this to work on those systems aswell, meanwhile this feature
is disabled!
-Added: SMC handling for Cygnos360v2 users!
-Changed: Rewrote the whole SMC handling to enable you to make a Cygnos360v2 nand aswell ;)
-Changed: Rewrote parts of log/menu for new SMC information
-Changed: The icon now looks more professional thanks to JPizzle! i owe you one ;)
-Changed: config_info.ini file to correspond to the changes for SMC handling and added some
more information to som areas that needed it.
-Added: If an error occurs that will cause fbbuild to fail all .tmp files will be deleted and
the app will close.
* 1.2.1 *
- Fixed: FATAL error if cpukey.txt was empty
- Fixed: Bug with the app not saving your input if you accidently hit wrong button or
something whiles choosing motherboard, rebooter, dashlaunch etc. etc. :/
- Fixed: Minor visual errors a little bit everywhere
- Added: MD5 check towards the systemupdate file downloaded from Logic-Sunrise, thus
making it less possible for it to be corrupted ;)
- Fixed: Several other minor bugs
- Changed: Customized options for fbBuild is now available for all motherboards!
- Added: The app now have a icon ;)
* 1.2.0 *
- Fixed: Filenames no longer becomes forcibly uppercase when preset
- Added: Progress information for when you download updates
- Changed: Server to download updates from, now downloads from Logic-Sunrise
- Added: download.ini, used to store links to downloadable files (systemupdates)
- Added: Now able to prepare a USB drive for updates (FAT32 formatting etc.)
- Added: Reads cpukey.txt and use this as cpukey if the contents looks valid
- Added: Extra checks for CPUKey, no longer accepts nummeric or alpha ONLY
cpukey, has to be alphanumeric (letters and numbers) and 32 characters long
aswell as has to ONLY include 0-9, a-f, A-F (checks validity of key! ;))
- Changed: Dashlaunch 2.23b the version included with this release
- Changed: Dashlaunch defaults is now "Recomended Dashlaunch settings"
- Added: If there is a fbBuild warning message you'll see it very clearly (red color)
- Added: If the fbBuild error is related to improper CPUKey output file will be deleted
- Added: Copying the fbBuild output log to directory next to the output log with the name:
fbBuild_*date*_*time*.log so that you can debug if needed :)
- Added: Option to disable the updater (if option not present will be set to true)
* 1.1.1 *
- Fixed: Minor corrections to filelist.ini files
- Fixed: Minor corrections for Xenon motherboards
* 1.1.0 *
- Added: Support for creating 13599 (fbbuild version 0.32)
- Changed: fbbuild 0.32 is the version used with this release
- Added: Downloading of $SystemUpdate for your version of freeboot
- Changed: Dashlaunch 2.23 the version included with this release
- Fixed: ALOT of bugs! a little bit of everything, still some bugs to fix
* 1.0.0 *
- Initial release
- Dashlaunch 2.22 is the version included with this release
- fbbuild 0.31 is the version used with this release
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