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Diskussion: 3.72 CFW på G?

  1. #1
    May 2003

    3.72 CFW på G?

    Just 5 days ago , TUHTA, ps3news user has posted in that forum asking for help in developing a CFW, since he was in possession of 3.70 keys .
    Working on 3.72, and using CloneSkeet, a clone of Progskeet with advice of Indonesian Devs, seems he found a hardware bug , which would allow you to copy keys into a simple USB external, decrypted keys, as .bin
    And even managed to enter and leave the factory mode with firmware 3.72 , downgrading to a lower formware.
    The news that has made more headlines is the exploit used, a hardware bug, so regardless of future firmware that Sony can use to avoid finding new keys, the method will work. This means that you can also use the PSN. 3.73, confirmed to work. The news has created confusion around the world, yet it seems that some well know Dev are interested to work/ help on a stable CFW. TUHTA did not released any video, till a few hours ago , where, as we can see, he's using 3.72, with icons to install pkg, online, QA flagged. Youtube video shows installation of 1.2 ftpserver, then perfectly working.
    Obviously, having the keys, it's possible to sign more homebrew and maybe backups, of course.

    Låter lovande om det stämmer

    Last edited by samplehead; 2011-10-23 at 18:27.



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