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Diskussion: Abgx360

  1. #1
    Jul 2003


    Körde just ABGX360. Fick följande log

    Bör jag oroa mig för att jag fick "Verification failed"?

    Kör jag ABGX360 igen ser jag inga felmeddelanden...


    ────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────────
    \\//\\//\\//\\//\\/█\\//\ \ \/ /┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
    //\\//\\//\\//\█▀█\█▀█\█▀█/ /\ \ ─┤├─┐│ │//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//
    ───────────────▀▀▀─▀▀▀─▀▀█──────└─┘└─┘└─┘─v1.0.6── ─────[]────
    Checking for updates to abgx360.dat...
    Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving

    D:\Documents\Xbox 360\Call.Of.Duty.Black.Ops.2.XBOX360-iMARS\imars-blkops
    2\imars-blkops2.dvd is valid

    Checking Game
    ISO: "D:\Documents\Call.Of.Duty.Black.Ops.2.XBOX360-iMARS\i
    Size: 8738846720 bytes
    Files in ISO: 435, Folders in ISO: 3
    Total bytes used: 8018571407 (92.57%)
    Game appears to have random padding

    Checking default.xex
    Original PE Filename:
    Original PE Timestamp: 2012/09/24 10:33:36
    Min Kernel Required: v2.0.15574.0
    Game Name: COD: Black Ops II
    No Avatar Awards
    Achievements: 50 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore
    XEX CRC = AE7588A1
    XEX Media ID: 17C4AF86BB7EB35A9CF0D44F-05C7492A

    Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF
    Region Free!

    Checking topology data
    Querying the online database to find the appropriate verified data to use...
    Topology information was downloaded successfully

    Looking for TOP_XGD3-DID-F87A804E_v1.sha1 in the online verified database
    Server file TOP_XGD3-DID-F87A804E_v1.sha1 no newer than local file - not re
    Topology data is currently verified

    Checking SS
    Timestamp of Authoring: 2012/09/25 00:00:00
    Timestamp of Mastering: 2012/10/11 04:44:35
    SS Version: 2 (trusted)
    SS CRC = 9EF6409E (RawSS = 8302230F)
    SS Media ID: 17C4AF86BB7EB35A9CF0D44F-05C7492A (matches game)
    SS looks valid

    Checking DMI
    Timestamp of Authoring: 2012/09/25 00:00:00 (matches SS)
    DMI CRC = C1B0F873
    DMI Media ID: 17C4AF86BB7EB35A9CF0D44F-05C7492A (matches game)
    DMI looks valid

    Checking PFI
    PFI CRC = 26AF4C58
    PFI matches known data (XGD3)

    Video partition found
    Video CRC = A870C0DB (V0 = 7C4FF0C3, V1 = BF9ADA5F)

    Basic Stealth check passed!

    Starting Verification
    Looking for 9EF6409EAE7588A1.ini in the online verified database
    There is no verified rip of this Xex/SS combination in the online database
    Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex/SS combination
    Verification failed

    Starting AutoFix
    Looking for Xex_AE7588A1.ini in the online verified database
    Server file Xex_AE7588A1.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving
    'Xex_AE7588A1.ini' contains 7 SS CRCs, randomly picked #2
    Looking for 45014FFFAE7588A1.ini in the online verified database
    Downloading 45014FFFAE7588A1.ini
    100% [================================>] 341
    45014FFFAE7588A1.ini was downloaded successfully

    Using 45014FFFAE7588A1.ini (341 bytes)
    Looking for SS_45014FFF.bin in the online verified database
    Downloading SS_45014FFF.bin
    100% [================================>] 1,571
    SS_45014FFF.bin was downloaded successfully
    Verifying SS_45014FFF.bin is valid before using it for AutoFix

    Checking SS
    Timestamp of Authoring: 2012/09/25 00:00:00
    Timestamp of Mastering: 2012/10/05 12:09:46
    SS Version: 2 (trusted)
    SS CRC = 45014FFF (RawSS = 7C0F5852)
    SS Media ID: 17C4AF86BB7EB35A9CF0D44F-05C7492A (matches game)
    SS looks valid

    Looking for DMI_F95139E6.bin in the online verified database
    Downloading DMI_F95139E6.bin
    100% [================================>] 561 36.5 KB/s ETA 00:00
    DMI_F95139E6.bin was downloaded successfully
    Verifying DMI_F95139E6.bin is valid before using it for AutoFix

    Checking DMI
    Timestamp of Authoring: 2012/09/25 00:00:00 (matches SS)
    DMI CRC = F95139E6
    DMI Media ID: 17C4AF86BB7EB35A9CF0D44F-05C7492A (matches game)
    DMI looks valid

    Automatically patching stealth files...
    Patching DMI from DMI_F95139E6.bin
    Patching SS from SS_45014FFF.bin
    Stealth files patched successfully!

    Checking Game CRC... (press Q to cancel)
    Percent Elapsed Estimated Time Average Current Errors Total
    Done Time Time Left Speed Speed Recovered Retries
    100% 1:52 1:52 0:00 73.7 MB/s 103.3 MB/s

    AnyDVD style corruption was not detected
    Game CRC = 9973CB4B

    Game partition CRC matches the verified ini!
    AutoFix was successful!

    Press any key to exit . . .

  2. #2
    Oct 2008
    Jordbro, Sweden
    13 145
    Kör den igen, om du kollar lite noggrannare så säger den faktiskt att den autofixat den... tippar friskt på att du andra varvet får allt grönt och att den är verifierad
    Google is your friend!

    Om du tycker något jag skriver inte stämmer, skriv det! var inte rädd för att bevisa att jag har fel, jag bits inte, jag lovar! (Bara lite ibland...)

    Skriver jag "OSS" eller "VI" betyder det oftast: PSXCare

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