"There is some interesting news on the gamecube backup progress as posted by gamefreax.de. We have not verified the validity of this news, but it appears as below:

The italian based Enigma-Team, also known from their Titanchips (not to be messed with the Enigmah-Team which developed the Xbox- Enigmah Chips back in the days) is working on a modification for the Gamecube to backup the games. They are using a pretty easy trick by simply sniffing the IDE-Port of the gamecube and transporting the read data to PC by Network. Since the communication between Drive and Mainboard is very fast their next plan is to install a USB2.0 port to the Gamecube in order to increase the data transfer speed to PC drastically. Reading of the games is already solved with good results but the guys haven't managed yet to boot a backup on the Gamecube. We are awaiting first positive results in January."
Allt ovan är hämtat från <a href="http://www.gamefreax.de" target="_blank">www.gamefreax.de</a> .

Tyvärr har hittills inga resultat kommit men några, framförallt piratkopierarna lär ju hålla fast i tummarna iaf.


<small>[ 20 February 2003, 08:40: Meddelandet redigerat av: boobytrap ]</small>