Jag mailade till Xodus angående det här problemet med att få kontakt och hur lampan ska lysa osv. Det här är svaret jag fick tillbaks, hoppas det löser problemen vissa har:>
Reply from Xodus Team Posted : 2003-03-06 22:49:15
ATTN V1.1 users of the MatriX
During the installation of the chip in Mode 1
the Led should flash Green for a split second
while you power up the console and then it
will flash Red.
This is only for the V1.1 installation and do
not let the Red flashing confuse you.
After you get the split second of flashing Green
switch to the mode you want to use and reboot
the console to boot from your chip.
The easiest way to test for correct alignment is
to very carefully watch the led while powering up
If you see a flash of green then the alignment is
correct. If you see no green at all then you should
try realigning.
You may try to fill in the holes with v1.1 boxes since
most of them come without solder int he points where the
pins connect to. Just apply a small amount of solder
in the holes to make sure the pins are making contact
Also remember to clean the 9 LPC points and the Gspot
with alcohol when you are done.