Nya XBMP 2.1 löser många buggar, kolla listan innan du postar ett nytt problem här. Kanske är det redan löst!
Finns som vanligt på Doomarns FTP och som källkod på <a href="http://www.xboxmediaplayer.de" target="_blank">www.xboxmediaplayer.de</a>
OBS! att det är en beta och inte en skarp 2.1 men för den som inte kan vänta....
Det här är vad som hänt:
28-12-2002, 20:39 (Post by frodo)
So what's changed since 2.0?
-choppy playback
-some divx play in slowmotion
-add .divx extension to xbmp
-streaming subtitles didn't work
-subtitles from iso9660 don't work
-ISO9660 VCD's won't play. Video extension is .DAT
-some divx give ticking sound with ac3 decoder
-preview window is a bit messy
-occasional dropped frames at long camera movements, happens at all resolutions
-position the subtitles on the bottom
-truetype fonts mess up the video window
-Certain Divx AVI Files have +-500MS A/V out of synch
-mp3s from iso9660 don't work
-timestep bug 00:08 and 00:09
-INFO/Pause on Remote doesn't work nicely
-ugly subtitle fonts
-fixed crash for video only files (no audio)
-fixed bug in libmpcodecs causing mp3lib to be used instead of ffmpeg mp3 codec
-now using xvid for divx5
-better bitrate calculation for avi files with & without index
-after playing mpeg1/2 screen is messy
-after 1:10 hours XBMP crashed
-xvid problems solved
-many other bugs
-TRUE ac3 5.1 output
-decoder settings
-new general settings
-xtra postprocessing
-choose wether or not audio should b send to all speakers
-default volume up to 150% / 200%
-adjustable seconds for slideshow
-always stretch/zoom
-User adjustable remote sensitivy via XML file
-volume normalizer
-volume amplification
-volume 'extra stereo' filter
-Save settings/always use settings
-A method to scroll better/faster using remote/controller
-normalization for audio
-added drop frames to info screen
-auto maxpts correction
-volume control now works for amplified audio
-localized UI
-IR Info button shows information about file
-auto shutdown is now configurable via config.xml
-file extensions are now configurable via config.xml
-added .sub & .txt subtitle formats
-avdelay manual adjustment changed to +/- 25msec
- fixed problem when dashboard setting is set 2 mono
and probably we forgot a few 2 mention ;-)
<small>[ 01 January 2003, 13:46: Meddelandet redigerat av: quiet ]</small>