Har läst detta på det nya chippet "The Ripper"s hemsida:
All mod chips, powered from +5V or powered from mixed voltages will destroy your PS2 in shorter or longer period of time! Our chip is SAFE!
Of course not all consoles will fail but there will be very strong increase of faulty mainboards during incoming years. Consider your PS2 as potentially dead if modified with the ModChip powered from +5 Volts. This text is not the brutal fight between competitors. This is the real truth, which should be taken into account. All Ubicom based chips are not even worth comparison, simply because Ubicom is a processor powered from +5V. They are clones of each other and the last clone is the worst. Processors used in such risky circuits have additional disadvantages. Their pins are designed to drive even relays from the single pin, which means they can give much more current then is required to override signals. Remember of overvoltage too.
det verkar som om messiah förstör ps2 efter en tids användning ?
"Ripper" verkar säkrare ?
Hansi , kommer du o sälja dom här "ripper" chippen ?