Superdisc 3.2 2003-01-26
Added since Superdisc 3.1:
- X-ecuter 4974 bios with blue xbox logo
- Updated some emulators
- Updated XBFTP
- Added XTOOLBOX (another ftp client)
- Added Config Magic (hd unlock tool etc)
- Upgraded XBOX Media Player to 2003-01-25 compile
- XBOX Media Player defaults to SWEDISH, edit config.xml if you want...
- Added some apps in PCSTUFF
- Removed the linux .xbe, it was really not useful
Added since Superdisc 3.0:
- XBOS Media Player 2.1
- Emulators
- Updated evox.ini files to enable flashing of X-ecuter 2 modchips
- Added menu option to format F drive, useful if you got one of the xboxes with 20GB drives
- Added XBOX Saves Manager Beta 3 in the pcstuff directory.
This is a nice utility disc for your XBOX.
With this disc you can boot your xbox into Evolution-X,
flash its BIOS and move files around w/o the need for
a PC and a network connection.
Enter the "" menu and you will find ready made scripts
to install EVO-X and all utitities to your E: or F: drive.
There is also a script that will partition and format just about any hard drive w/o
any need for preparation.
Tools included:
Evolution X Beta 1.8.3285
BoXplorer 0.96 Beta
XBCopy 0.25
X-Ecuter dvd-x installer
X-Ecuter DVD-X version 2.0
Dysfunctions X-flash with both Hynix/Hyundai and ST support
Some BIOS images
Original XBOX Dash (3944 version only) as msxboxdash-unpatched.xbe
DVD-X Region Free (1-4) Patched XBOX Dash (3944 version only) as msxboxdash.xbe
Linux 0.1
XBOX Media Player 2.0
XBFTP 0.58.1
A collection of Emulators
I have also put some PC tools in a subdirectory:
XBOX HD Prepare 1.3
Relax _v06
XBOX Saves Manager Beta 3
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