Så här står de på xbox-scenes faq ang. Xbox och utbytt HD:
"How to play on Live with an upgraded HD
Playing on Live is easy with an upgraded HD. It must always be locked. The original MS BIOS, when the modchip is off, demands a locked HD or else your Xbox won't boot. You may ask if a locked HD is ok to do with the modchip on. Yes, it's okay.

Relating to the xboxdash.xbe file, this must be in the root of C:\

As a quick note, if you are in a situation where you must run the EvolutionX CD, you can keep all your EvolutionX files (skins folder, evox.ini, etc) in their usual places on the HD, as you just will need default.xbe (EvolutionX dash) on the CD."

Så enligt vad jag kan förstå ska det funka om man låser HD:n. Ja´g har låst min utbytta disk och provat. När jag slår över till original bios så bootar det på den utbytta disken. Det gjorde den inte innan.