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Diskussion: Pirates of the caribbean.

  1. #1
    May 2003

    Pirates of the caribbean.

    Efter att ha lagt in Pirates... så går det inte att boota det från hårddisken?
    Samma sak hände med Tao Feng tidigare.
    Det låter som samma problem en annan här på forumet nämnde angående Brute Force men det funkar däremot på min xbox.
    Skall ta och testa xtoolbox eller vad det nu hette för att se om det blir någon skillnad.
    Avvaktar och ser vad som händer.
    Har fler samma problem?
    Jag skall straffa dig i månens namn

  2. #2
    Sep 2003
    Bypassing the Media Check in Newer Games

    This tutorial is a little late, but there have been many questions on how to go about doing this. I will explain how to manually patch newer games to allow them to run off your xbox HDD, or any other dvd media. Patching isuniversal amongst all games created around February 2003.

    Just wanted to also say that you can get a patcher called "isocraxton" to auto-patch games for you. It is the only patching program that I would even consider using, as I have had many trouble with other patchers.

    With that said, lets get started. Obtain the xbox executable (default.xbe) file of the game you want to patch. If you don't have one already, download a Hex Editor such as Hackman 7.0 and start it up.

    Open up the executable file and search for this string:

    After you find it, replace the 7D with an EB so it looks like this:

    Then just save the default.xbe file and your game will be patched. If you do not find that string, then search for this one:

    and again, replace the 7D with an EB so it looks like this:

    Just save it and the game will be patched. Thats really all there is to it.

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